XXIX. The Clash of Destinies

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Madeleine strolls into her father's cell, her posture casual as she leans against the frame with her arms crossed

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Madeleine strolls into her father's cell, her posture casual as she leans against the frame with her arms crossed. Rick gently places Judith back in the crib, his eyes immediately catching the sight of blood covering his daughter.

His concern is palpable as he turns to face Madeleine, worry etched across his face. "What happened? Are you hurt?" he asks, his voice laced with a father's concern, searching her eyes for any sign of injury or distress.

"It's not mine," Madeleine asserts firmly.

"That still doesn't..." Rick starts to say, his concern not abating.

She interrupts him, her voice tinged with a mix of frustration and sadness. "We lost the kid. Daryl went to let Beth know. He felt responsible for his death."

A thick silence envelops the room, an uncomfortable atmosphere lingering between them. Madeleine takes a step back, wanting to distance herself from the tension, but Rick's words hold her in place, freezing her movements.

"There was this woman out there today. She killed herself in front of me to be reunited with her lover, who had been turned into a walker."

"Some people are too far gone. You're not. You tried to help her," Madeleine assures, walking over to the crib where Judith kicks around playfully. Madeleine smiles at the baby before retrieving a toy from her pocket and handing it to her.

"As to how that woman ended up, I got close to that. If I lost Carl and Judith and you, if I lost this place-."

Madeleine cuts him off, shaking her head. "Not even then, Rick. We'd turn cold, but we would still keep going."

Rick diverts the subject, "Have you checked on Carl yet?"

Madeleine shakes her head, "Not since I've been back. Where's he?"

"He should be in his room," Rick replies, Madeleine kisses her sister's head and starts to walk away. "Hey, Mads," Rick calls out.

"Yeah?" Madeleine turns back.

Rick smiles at her, "Thank you."

The conversation continues as Madeleine faces Rick, her tone fraught with frustration. "You needed time. Rick..." she trails off with a sigh, "I know you're fighting even when you're feeling like flying, but don't give up. If you feel like giving up, I'll hold on for both of us. We need you. I need you."

"I know," Rick nods, their eyes locking. "I noticed... you and Daryl. Why didn't you tell me?"

Madeleine shrugs, "I don't owe you an explanation."

"I don't want Daryl to hurt you."

"Rick, this is Daryl we're talking about. And I'm grown, I know what I'm doing," she replies assertively, ready to conclude the conversation despite its unresolved nature.

𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | TWD [Book 1]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin