LXXV. The Fall of Neville

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The woman lets a solitary tear cascade down her cheek, the salty droplet a testament to the anguish gripping her heart as she cradles her brother's lifeless body in her arms

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The woman lets a solitary tear cascade down her cheek, the salty droplet a testament to the anguish gripping her heart as she cradles her brother's lifeless body in her arms. Madeleine's gaze remains fixed on the chilling words scrawled in blood upon the wall, her narrowed eyes betraying a flicker of recognition that sends shivers down her spine.

Suddenly, a noise shatters the eerie silence, jolting Madeleine back to reality who reaches for the sword strapped to her back. As she approaches Alita, a visceral ache clenches her chest, a painful echo of the grief that still haunts her own soul from the loss of her brother and sister.

"Alita," Madeleine's voice is steady, yet laced with a raw edge of emotion, "we can't stay here. We need to go." Madeleine's words fall on deaf ears as she watches Alita's trembling form. "Someone's here. We have to leave," Madeleine states, her voice barely above a whisper, urgency dripping from her words like venom.

Alita shakes her head, her heart heavy as she lays her brother down gently on the cold ground. Sobbing softly, she straightens up and reaches for the gun strapped to her waist, her fingers curling around it with a cold determination.

Locking eyes with Madeleine, they share a silent exchange, "We do not take his body. This is where he died, this is his resting place," Alita states, her voice hollow, her expression a mask of stoicism that makes Madeleine flinches at the sudden change, recognizing the mirrored reflection of her own emotions. "We leave. We never come back here. We don't speak of this to anyone."

Madeleine nods in agreement, her resolve matching Alita's as she turns away, her footsteps echoing softly in the dimly lit corridor as Alita follows, a silent shadow trailing behind her down the corridor.

As they reach a corner, they pause, pressing their backs against the cold stone wall, their breaths held in anticipation. With a silent exchange, they communicate their plan, one to go ahead while the other watches their back, but groaning noises reverberate from behind them, their meticulously crafted plan grinds to a halt.

Madeleine's eyes roll in exasperation, a tangible air of annoyance trailing behind her as she strides towards the approaching walkers. Her sword scrapes along the ground, a menacing prelude to the impending carnage. Quickly, Alita snatches up her knife with a fluid motion, shadows dancing across her features as she stalks in Madeleine's wake.

The two women move with practiced precision, dispatching walkers with ease. Blood splatters against the walls, painting macabre patterns as they fight for survival. Their senses heightened as they catch a faint clacking noise behind them. Madeleine whirls around, squinting into the shadows, but the figure standing before them remains elusive.

The shadowy figure remains unmoved by their presence, prompting Alita to confront them with a fierce accusation. "You did this?!" she snarls, her voice laced with fury. "Who the fuck are you?!"

The figure bolts down the corridor, prompting the women to give chase. With adrenaline coursing through their veins, they navigate the labyrinthine corridors, their footsteps echoing in the empty space. Alita's hand finds Madeleine's shoulder, guiding her through the maze as they close in on their target.

𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | TWD [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now