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It was a time before civilization, a time when the world was young, and it was then that it would all begin, unbeknownst to any man. Thus, the question would be asked, 'If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?'

Unfortunately, what took place was far grander than a felled tree, and its consequences would be felt for generations to come.

It was an interstice, a bridge between worlds, an insurance plan for a tyrant. That's what had entered the natural world.

The thing would cause a commotion where it had appeared nonetheless. It was some time before when the Renaissance was set to begin.

Its target an unsuspecting victim, a ship exploring the new world, one that would be lost in the Atlantic Ocean.

As for its inhabitance, one would live, well, they 'survived'.

Time would pass still, the thing finding itself below the floating city of Olympus. A place built with such technology, that not even those that pioneered space exploration would understand it.

Those of the past did deserve their dues still, as they laid the foundations for such a place to exist, whether intentionally or not. They'd also deserve a fair bit of criticism, as for all their apparent innovation, they couldn't escape their true nature of conflict and greed.

It was that part of humanity, the worst part that the humans had so desperately tried to escape that made them declare all of time before 4000, 'The Dark Ages.' Naturally, it was the second of its kind, though they didn't call it as such.

It was not even about the technology really, but more about their perceived moral, philosophical and ethical superiority seeing as they had reduced all crime and the like to '0'.

They were in for a rude awakening though, as no matter how high they wanted to soar, the wax on their wings was bound to melt, and it had.

The stage is set; and it is time to watch humanity repeat their cycle of self-destruction once more. Though, I suppose it is no longer a cycle, as there might not be anyone left to blunder once more.

It was peaceful on Olympus. As it always was, and as they hoped it would always be, but Fate had different plans. It was here that August Rosavault had been born and raised, on that iron island.

It was bound to be like any other day, predictable, but not mundane. The light omnidirectional ring of a harp would wake the unsuspecting man, and like he had always done, he crawled his way out from below the silky sheets.

"Shut up..." As he spoke, the ringing stopped, his day had begun, like it always did.

"Good Morning young sapling. It is the Sixth day of the sixth month today. Interesting... no...?" You could practically hear her smile as her voice filled the room, though she lacked a body.

"Stop calling me that... and I don't care for the date." He'd stand up, and with the stretching of his refined muscles, he was finally awake.

"Hygiene." The woman would speak once more.

"I know... I know..."

The young sapling would make his way to the center of the dome like room, face twitching at the woman's words.

Then, as he sat on the warm wooden floor, it would lose its beautiful chestnut hue and in time, it was a dark swirling grey mass of nanobots. It would begin to raise up around him like a metallic fluid being hauled along by a magnet, and soon it became a small glass enclosure with metal braces.

As he sat there, the metal would gain fissures, and within seconds a hiss filled the room as the small space was filled with bubbly soap. The thing would then generate its own current, splashing and harassing the poor boy inside, forcing him to close his crimson eyes.

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