The Death of Humanity

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August sunk, and though he felt himself drown, he felt no pain, and he had no regrets. He'd allow himself to be swallowed by the void, closing his eyes, and soon two eyes replaced his in the void, pure white, glowing.

The familiar thing, Death, took hold of him, and by request of a Sin, she brought him down into the deepest depths of humanity's subconscious. She brought him to still darkness, and leaving him there in the absence of that which it meant to be human, he became something else, something more in retaliation.

He no longer needed love, nor did hate interest him, he wanted not pleasure, neither pain, he did not seek happiness, but wanted not melancholy, he wanted not touch, nor did he want embrace. In that void, the mind of August was reborn to be more than it was when he was human, for if he were ever to traverse the Abstract, a human mind wouldn't do.

The process was only one of many though, and where he had been left, while still tainted black by humanity, there was still further down to go. He was at the surface of true humanity, and he needed to go deeper, but that was good enough for then.

He'd be plucked from the Abstract as quick as he had entered and as he came back to the world of the living, he wasn't him. He was trapped in his mind, his body pulling and pushing, clawing and screaming, something had possessed his human body in his absence.

As he thought to control his body though, the thing had no choice but to flee. It had no control over his emotions, nor could it twist his mind, thus, it had to retreat back into the immaterial world.

All that were present were a distance away from the table he was on, as if afraid, even the giant woman. As he calmed down though, they'd release him, starting with the muzzle. Though, even then, they were being careful not to get bitten by him, or anything of the sort.

As they realized that he was really back—or rather, what they had made him—they'd release him from the chains. He'd sit there, mind empty, looking at the ground, trying to reorient himself. That was when he noticed it, blood coming from his head, as if the thing was trying to escape through him.

They wouldn't leave him hurt though, as one of the giant's lackeys would attend to his wound. The person was gentle, even if a bit reluctant. It was understandable though, August wasn't necessarily the smallest of people, even compared to the giant woman.

As such, the person's reluctance was understandable, especially seeing how much smaller they were when compared to him. They used a device shaped like a glove, the silver palm infected with a chromatic aberration. They'd place it atop his head, stood atop their toes, they'd be forced to use nanbots to make up the distance.

Then, he'd feel a chill pass through him and he was fine after that, the wound was all but gone. The woman would not stay much longer after that seeing as her mission for the day was complete.

She was content, as she smiled the whole time she was still there, twitching in excitement. It was unsettling really, but no one was allowed to say anything, for all they were concerned, she was as normal as people from the council could have been. She wasn't making a great case for herself talking to Roman still.

"He's the one... most definitely. He wasn't rejected by any of it. You saw it, he was so close to entering that place all on his own that his body almost became a gateway... A second anomaly... you did good Mr. Rosavault... you did good... I'll be seeing you again in a few days." The woman awaited no response she was so excited, she left immediately.

Then, to the surprise of no one, she left one of her servants to 'care for' August, the smaller one. They would also have to care for the person for the entire duration of August's service, and that was nonnegotiable.

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