Twisted Fiction

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The sound of crumbling concrete giants garnished by the screams of the dead and dying would wake up an injured May in a dizzied panic.

As she looked around, vision blurred by her own blood, lungs too shallow to breathe, she realized she had been trapped under debris.

The place had collapsed right over their heads and trapped them in the small lecture hall they were in; well, those that were still alive were trapped.

The other detail that seemed to bother her was the fact that all her nanobots were loose, out of her control, in fact, they were dead.

That could have only meant one thing, she didn't have time to think about that though, as the rubble was being removed from above her, she was safe, a miracle.

That was the only possible thought she could have had, right, because what else could have possibly been lifting hundreds of tons of concrete, metal and glass.

It wasn't any human, it couldn't have been, hope started to seep into her over worked heart, and even I wanted to have hope for her.

The light of a free world would pierce her small corner of crippling dark, but what she saw was not a savior, nor was it a machine.

It did not bring her joy, nor relief, for what she saw, was a monster, no metaphors included.

Many meters tall, it was humanoid, unrealistically muscular with strange green skin, its head an impossible pit of razor sharp spiraling teeth, its only eye on its chest, and it was reaching for her.

In that moment, as her small beating heart shattered at the realization that she was in fact, not saved, and that her death was swiftly approaching, her tears cleansed her bloody eyes as she wet herself.

It was over, just like that. It was that simple thought that broke her fragile understanding of the pampered world she had grown up in, and the blind faith she held in such an impossible ideal.

They were supposed to be 'gods', and yet, she was going to die at the tender age of fourteen. It didn't make sense, none of it did, but it didn't matter.

The thing would take hold of her and pull her from beneath the rubble, but it wasn't doing it out of the goodness of its heart, no, in fact, it didn't have a heart.

"Puuuuunnnnyyy scum... stain!" The girl that was simply being dragged along, basically already dead, gained new agency to look at the thing in its eye as it held her at chest level.

Its voice was labored and its words nigh gibberish as if illiterate, but it spoke none the less, the impossible creature that stood before her, spoke, and its voice shook the very earth it stood on.

She fell further into despair as the thing looked at her not even hurting her. She was truly powerless, a feeling she had only ever felt once before in her entire life, and it drove her insane.

"Ah... ah.... Ahhhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhh!" She screamed and flailed as if to beg for help, as if to make sense of her situation, but help wasn't coming, and there was no scientific explanation for the plight she found herself in, or at least, none that she knew.

"Ha...! Ha...! Ha...!" Its heavy voice shook the small girl as it struggled to laugh at her pain. "Consider... this... mercy... human..." She'd feel its hand slowly tighten as she cried.

Though I suppose fate was never so cruel, as within seconds, the barreling and wail of something fighting the wind exploded from across the charred and burning city.

Then within a moment's notice, so fast one couldn't even see it, the things head exploded with most of its upper body, raining down blood and flesh.

It would then tumble to the floor, dead, and the girl had lived, cushioned by the ginormous hand.

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