Flowers of Deception

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May would scream as her damp eyes widened in confusion, her feet stumbling across each other as she fell into the creature's grasp. It held her tight, but it didn't squash her. It would raise her high above head, away from everyone else, and as she flailed, the place began to vibrate, then, it began to shake as her mental state deteriorated.

She saw the world spinning, felt her body melt, she couldn't discern left from right nor up from down on the infinite plain of imagination, and the place didn't take it well. It was a good thing that all who were present weren't idiots though, even if intentions didn't align. Kim would act first, knowing what to do, and what to expect from a florist.

"May! Your brother is here!" At the top of her lungs, with only herself to care about, Kim sought to save the girl.

Kim's words seemed to pierce the heaviness the voice had trapped her in, and for a moment, her mind emptied to fill with only thoughts of seeing a familiar face, that of someone she wouldn't see.

The path of destruction May was driving them all down came to a halt when the feelings of slight happiness she felt drowned out everything and gave the vehicle a flat tire.

The time she had left to them was time enough still, as it gave the small genius time to act. He'd engineer the cube into a weapon, a gun. He'd point it at the thing's large head and eye with intentions to hesitate, but the assault rifle emptied itself into the monster all on its own.

It was over before it begun, Kim would soften May's fall, as for Bob, he stood shaking, hands numb and mind blanker every second. The thing was monstrous, but who's to say it wasn't human somehow, how could they ever be sure, it looked human enough.

He stood there for a while before he dropped the weapon of his own creation, and looking at the thing with a hole through its skull, made him woozy. It was then that a pitch black hand with six fingers emerged from the ground, holding a white hydrangea.

He'd look at the flower, it was welcoming, and so he found himself calming down, and even feeling better. It wasn't human, in fact, the monster told him it was more than that. He'd look the dead thing in the face, and as he blinked it seemed to change before his very eyes.

It gained a bouncing afro, brown with blonde streaks, as for the eyes, they were a nice lime green. The shape of its face was reduced as it gained soft features, and smooth caramel skin. The thing was dead, but somehow those unsaturated eyes turned to look at him.

It was a work of impossibility, but somehow the small man didn't fall flat on his ass. It did foster a reaction though. He placed his hands below his gorgeous hair, and in one shaking motion, he pushed his hair back as he smiled with bloodshot eyes, hydration too little for tears.

His eyes were finally showing though, and they were a vibrant lime green, as for his skin, it was a beautiful caramel. It should have been a coincidence, and a stranger might have said so, but that would be a stranger from the past, the dark ages.

The debate raged firm before the winter of 4000, but in the end, designer babies were allowed, and so, over the centuries, they became the norm. To be blunt, the thing wore his mother's face.

The veins on his forehead popped as he searched his well of knowledge, but only drew blank pages. He'd stop breathing altogether, his mouth moved, with both small and extravagant motions, but no words came, and neither did tears, nor self-harm.

He stood, emotions bouncing from one direction to the other, never settling, and so he smiled, frowned, feigned crying and laughed.

The personality Brody should have had was one of compassion though, a gentle giant if you would. As such, he walked over to the golden M4-16 and picked it up, at the same time the thing would emerge from the ground taking a hold of Bob.

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