Anything You Can Imagine

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He was eager to fight the thing, twitching at the thought really, an uncontrollable smile plastered across his face. It was too bad still, the fact that he couldn't feel that human bit of fear and nervousness a beating heart and hormones would have provided had he been pure, to any degree.

He controlled himself though, he waited for them to get to cover, to leave the area of destruction the brawl would have caused.

It was unfortunate though, as the moment he was ready to let loose, he would feel them enter his area of awareness, the three he had saved, and the three he had used. They were running for the door, and he prayed they would make it, though he knew they would not.

It got worse still, as in the ocean, minions of the towering monster lingered, waiting for their opportunity.

He thought about leaving them to die for a moment, after all, they had served their purpose, or rather, they were yet to. So, despite his want to get on with his fun, he'd ensure their lives, and he would piss off the behemoth at the same time.

It was a win win. He did have to consult 'that' before he could do anything though.

"Was it... 'anything you can imagine...?'" He would look at himself as he turned to silver, his voice echoing within his mind, waiting.

"If you can make it work... then sure... though a greater feat than 'that' is still death... even now... even with this thing you have created..." A soft feminine voice filled his thoughts, an answer.

He looked up at the giant, and without rhyme or reason, but only desire, he sought to see how far he could stretch the terms once more.

He'd pry open his bottomless pit of knowledge with the help of 'its' power, and so, he'd go back through all he had read, reconstructing all of it inside of his empty mind.

He would finally move, all of his ideas rearing to go, and so, with a stretch of his hand and a flex of his imagination, reality fell in on itself, bending and twisting. Then, an eruption of gold would envelope the beach, a figure darting from within it.

In the skies, was the mad man, inside a jet, she was right, and he'd abuse that fact. The sand would clear under the winds the monster had created, and what was left on the beach was a battalion of tens of tanks from all throughout time and wars.

They would all fire upon the creature in unison, and even if they couldn't pierce its skin, they did annoy it. It shielded its face from the flurry of high explosive shells, almost stumbling back into the ocean.

It would be pushed forward though, the result of supersonic missiles exploding on its back side.

It was all for naught still, and though he knew that, if he prevented it from doing anything, that was enough.

He'd steer the craft down to ocean level, almost crashing it in the ocean, and then, he would.

And from the resulting explosion of gold and water, a Daring class Type 45 Destroyer battleship would be unveiled from the waves.

It would unload on the creature just like all the other contraptions the man had created.

And so, the giant would begin to stumble closer to shore, and even its minions jumped out of the ocean.

They were headed for the refugees, dashing towards them. He did not panic though, he just hoped he wouldn't be the one to kill those he'd attempt to save.

He'd ignore the nightmare for a moment, and point the biggest gun on the ship towards the creatures. Thus, with one shell from the thing, in the blink of an eye, the creatures became a bloody mist on the shore.

Beyond Infinity: The Convergenceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें