The Cost of Fear

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August was left for a while as his body put itself back together, and while it did, that proved to be a problem within itself. His caretaker, while new to her line of work, had received enough information to understand what was happening, and thus, she'd contact her superiors.

As such, on a day that a dive was not scheduled to occur, Ms. Eting-Fesh found herself at the Rosavault household. She stood over an exposed August, his chest, and therefore his wound, on display, or rather, there should have been a wound.

She touched it, the seam that lined him, and she could feel it, that familiar presence, home. He wasn't just recovering, he was doing it on his own, and she knew exactly what that meant. She'd leave without a singular word, and as the elevator sought to lower her to the ground, she'd abandon it.

As for where her presence would remerge moments later, she stood before a glass wall, a forest of people behind her. She looked at the little girl, and she couldn't help but to grind her teeth at the thought.

"You lied...?" She looked at the child, ignoring her, as if it were deaf. "You lied!" She threw her hands against the glass.

Thus, she'd receive her response. The child would fall limp, and in the same breath it would regain consciousness, though instead of silver eyes, they were golden. As for where those eyes were fixed, on the woman herself, the one that had begun to back away.

"I did not lie... the boy is unique, how is that my doing?" A voice, two actually, that of the child, and that of a woman.

"His wounds...! Are healing on their own...! So tell me, what's next...?! Will he begin to see emotions!?" She raised her voice, but all the while, she retreated.

"...You're... afraid...? All you have... all you are worth... gone, if that becomes his purpose. I see it, your thoughts... but would you set the end into motion...? Would you render it all undone...?" The child awaited a response, one that never came.

As for the woman, she'd erase her presence from that depth and remerge on the shore. She'd fall flat on her ass, and from ripples in reality those of her kin would emerge, still nowhere to be seen, but present nonetheless.

"She's betrayed us yet again..." Six voices.

As for the state of each, an older man that spoke like he was commanding a war. A young woman who sounded excited. A young man that spoke with distaste. An older woman who spoke with a grudge. A young woman with seduction in her tone, and finally a young man that was barely even talking.

"We heard her... we don't have a choice... And if she gains another, she won't be so desperate anymore... this could be the way..."

"We don't believe that? Do we...?" The voices needed convincing.

The next dive was upon them, but that time, August was neither restrained nor gagged, instead, he was left to stand, free of all constraints.

It seemed the Sin knew the importance of the dive, to some extent, but what she was doing was against protocol. The argument could have been butchered; if they were concerned about safety then they should have moved to a more secure location, but that wasn't much of an argument to begin with.

If the suspicions of Ms. Eting-Fesh were correct, if August was to be possessed by a strong enough entity, his mind would regress and he'd seek out his family, causing more damage in the process. They couldn't leave the confines of the city either, as that would have just lured in a monster.

As for the underground, the infrastructure was far too important to allow such unpredictable experiments. The thickness of the walls mattered not to most Primordial concepts anyway, so they were at the best place they could have possibly been, above the clouds. It was rather dubious though, morally and ethically.

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