The Experiment That Felt

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They understood not the person that they saw, nor the mind that they observed, even still. Therefore, they had locked him in yet another room, though that was more for their reassurance more than anything else.

It was not all reassurance though, as the room that they had locked him in was a part of the Test, Observation and Experimentation of Anomalous Life Forms Department. As for what that meant, it had an energy harvester inside it, that concentrated the energy people and the anomaly gave off and used it for their experiments.

As such, the place was flush with energy fluctuations, and they hoped that would keep him inside the cell like enclosure. It was supposed to disrupt his understanding of reality, or that's what they hoped it would do.

He caught glimpse of the giant thing from behind the bars, and it was indeed beautiful, even if heretical. It was a large coil of silver metal, a story or two, as wide as noble fir. It pulsed ever so often, shifting off into different spectrums and summoning all manner of colors while it vibrated. It, the machine was a beautiful thing, but its purpose was far more disturbing.

They studied anomalous lifeforms, which implied that they had to get them somehow, and that process was the same as the bears. A submerged mind, and a body to become a bridge between worlds, or a portal if you would.

The bears and all other animal hybrid experiments were surface level discoveries, which therefore implies deeper discoveries. One of those said discoveries was bringing over ideas completely, for that though, multiple humans were required, and they would not survive the process.

There were vats and vertical tables, both used to restrain people and animals throughout various stages of inception, or rather, the birth of a pure idea into the material world.

They'd inject the victims with DFT-4100, a very potent strain of the substance, and then they'd allow the idea to take root inside the body, borrowing itself into the flesh. If a hybrid was the goal, the process was over, if an idea was, the process had just begun.

They'd then move the host into one of the vats containing the same strain of DFT, only influenced to nurture and care for the idea. The substance was influenced in such a way that the hosts body was a foundation.

In simpler terms, the body was both an egg's shell and the yoke. Thus, as the analogy implies, the idea would eventually crack out of the shell, no, not necessarily. The body—bodies— would, over an extended period of time, normally six months, be twisted to fit the needs of the idea.

As such a body would form around the abdomen, and usually fragments of the person were left behind. They were sometimes organs, but mostly they were hands and feet. The parts were also perfectly preserved by the substance they were submerged in, and as such, they never removed the residue. There was another reason as well, sometimes other ideas used the remains to help construct themselves.

As for where all this information emerged, they had kept August locked up for almost two years, unsure of what to do with him. The council in particular, after all, he wasn't like Fate, he could move freely, and he had no qualms with interfering in mortal events. He was a liability. It was not all for naught though, as within that time, he watched them experiment, and he forgot nothing.

The energy they used, the way they influenced it, and the ideas they grew, the way it was done, it was all stomach churning. It's quite obvious at this point, that for the energy to be used, it had to be influenced somehow, as for the process, one relevant example will suffice.

The best way to approach it is as if they were building a circuit, with a source and a load. They'd connect the energy harvester in series with a set group of people, usually six of a certain type, based on dispositions, physical or mental.

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