A Bloody Smile

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May would approach Cali's body, Bob leaning on her for support, well, they were barely standing, leaning on each other.

And so, they'd crumble under their own weight, falling in front of her, no longer able to muster any strength.

They felt it, that unyielding sensation in their chests, it was their fault, if they had been useful, to any degree, she would have been fine. So, after all that work they had done to keep from crying, they couldn't help but to.

They felt even worse thinking that they'd have to leave her there, seeing as the both of them were not enough to carry her. After all she had done to keep them alive, they couldn't even give her a proper burial.

They were truly pathetic.

"...You guys... like my tits that much...?" She spoke, Cali spoke.

"...Caliandra...?" Bob almost pulled away, sure he was hallucinating.

"...Yeah... that's me...?" She would manage to tilt her head a little, yet she never changed her expression, or maybe, she couldn't.

From their perspective, she had died, from hers, well, who knows what she saw. It didn't matter though, as May would attempt to hide Cali's nakedness.

As she crawled closer though, she'd encounter resistance, nothing major, just a pool of blood spreading from the woman. She'd be compelled to do something, but really, what could she do.

Cali was staring off into nowhere, and even if she did blink, her eyes were blank. The girl would try and stop herself from reaching dehydration, biting her lips and squinting her eyes as she reached out in front of the woman.

She'd wave, over, and over again, but it was clear as day, she couldn't see them anymore. May would try to ignore what she had discovered as she helped the woman, but as she touched her, she pulled away.

Cali was cold, way too cold, but, yet again, May just had to ignore that fact and help the woman.

It didn't help that she was covered in blood either, because as much as May wanted to ignore what was right in front of her, it got on her hands.

The small girl shook with the realization that she couldn't just ignore the woman's condition, and even if she couldn't do anything to help her, she'd at least apologies.

"Ca—" She wouldn't be given a chance though.

"The ocean, it should be coming into view now, right? I can hear it..." Cali had her own interests.

She was right too, the small box would be illuminated by the erratic rays of light that escaped the ocean and pierced the glass that surrounded them.

They'd all look at it, all except Cali of course. It was what they needed, watching the water bend, twist and catch the light made them forget their troubles for a moment as they stared off into the ocean.

It was a dangerous world, but it was just as beautiful. A school of millions would pass them by, and for a moment, they found it within themselves to smile at the view.

May would remember her blunder, but looking back at Cali, she smiled. It was obvious that she meant no harm by it, but with her teeth stained red, and her eyes wandering aimlessly, it only made May feel worse about it all.

She, the one that hid while everyone put their lives on the line for her, how could she be smiling, how could she be happy. Then to cry, as if she was the one that was hurt, who did she really think she was. Those were her thoughts, but like clockwork, Cali was there, making it better, or worse, who knows.

"It's... not your fault... I knew what I was doing... come on... don't cry..." The woman would have given her a hug too, but her hands were broken and she was covered in blood.

Beyond Infinity: The ConvergenceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora