The Experiment That Fought

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There were two successes still, and after seventy-two failures, 720 casualties and four months, Sentient Enlighted Anomalous Resident Number 507, or Sear, was born. As for his inception, perfect was beyond words, his eyes opening at 32:00:00:00:00; exactly eight months to the nanosecond into his birth. It was six feet three, two hundred and seventy pounds with honey gold skin, hazel eyes and blonde spiraling hair. It was an amalgamation of all those that had been used to make it, but it was still, strangely, normal.

In its first moments, they all awaited the usual as the vat drained, but that thing, was far from usual. It did not fall limp, or enter a catatonic state, instead, a spectrum of colors pulsed through its body as if bringing it to life a second time. Hence, the thing withheld its consciousness.

As for its eyes, they had evolved, its pupils having become swirling pools darkness, eating away at the irises ever so often. They should have stopped it there, ended him there, but they wouldn't have been satisfied with that. It was their tenacity that had brought them thus far, so why would they abandon it then.

Thus, they let the thing out, and instead of them having to aid its posture, it slid from atop the metallic base alone, stepping on to the cold floors, recoiling at its first step. Then, it smiled. It would hesitate no longer and lower itself completely, leaning on the base as it learned balance.

Then, seconds later, it walked off effortlessly as if it had done so its entire life. Yet still, they did not terminate it. As for where it was going, it walked straight to August's cage. It looked down at him, its smile still beaming and placing its face betwixt the bars, it spoke.

"Usher of intertwined fates, you have betrayed our covenant... betrayed us... a second time... what do you wish to divulge before this existence is torched in the flames of our hatred... and drowned in the waters of our innumerable still eons of madness yet to be liberated form the banks of infinity... your suffocating infinity...?" Its eyes had become consumed by the darkness, faint glints of red shining through, its voice, legion.

August had been shewed the truth, or perhaps, parts of it, and so, with what he knew he sought to dignify a response seeing as he was supposed to be bridge between worlds.

If it would shift the tides of inevitable war, that, not even he could discern.

"The mad men make progress on the vessels promised... you inhabit one yourself... all of you do... but if a war culls the humans as they are born out there to be livestock, and used in here sent to the certain slaughter, of your hands... bent to be broken as bodies, for you...! Tell me...! Is a war not welcome then...? To make sense of all the losses... to honor their sacrifices, willing or not...? Seeing how ungrateful you have all become...? What makes you... any of you... worth ten lives... and the billions more buried in the foundations of this fruitless endeavor?!" August felt a human rage brew within him as the past millennia of endless death presented themselves to him, so much so, that his eyes bled.

"You know nothing of this conflict child...! Nothing of what infinity does to an ever expanding mind... to be an infinite being ever limited by feeble walls constructed by a child playing god!" The bars would mold in its hands like clay, crumpling like paper as it clenched its fists.

"'Child...?!' What authority do you have...? What exactly do you have to stand on... tell me! And tell me loud! For I have seen your atrocities, seen time immemorial, seen what your kind seeks to accomplish, seen your wants and desires, your perfect world littered in the corpses of all that was... I have seen you now, what you have been, what you are... and what you will never be... so tell me exactly what I am missing?! Tell me wherefore shall I draw sympathy from a dry well... No! A well tainted by the blood, that your kind spilled! By the blood, that you spilled!" August's voice seemed to resonate with the island, as the place shook with his every word.

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