Escape Plan

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The initial encounter with the otherworldly had proved a brutal ordeal, but, our crew had managed to survive, perhaps escaping destiny.

Though I wonder, how long can one fight against the tides of Fate before they inevitably drown. I suppose that is their end, but perhaps they are special.

We'd look past such things though, as we'd find ourselves below a bridge with our strugglers, though half of them didn't want to be there.

A river raging before them as they post up, backs to the concrete construction and the broken railways above.

The once beautiful utopia they knew was now a charred wasteland with steps of gargantuan creatures shaking the ground all around.

It was a frightened existence, and 'everyone' of them that were trapped in that open prison was sad, except one.

He was naked, covered in slime and water, a black burning sludge hiding most his nakedness, why, all the nanobots had 'died', thus, all his clothes had fallen away.

I suppose that explains half of it. Yet, he did not cry, nor did he despair, in fact, he smiled. It, his disturbing happiness, plastered a smile on his face from ear to ear, and his eyes were wide open with intrigue.

They would have said something, but they knew what he was, and no amount of rehabilitation or brain surgery would 'fix' that.

He had been integrated into society even as a psychopath per the 'Every Man Rule', but, he was what he was, through and through.

It would prove an advantage in the dire circumstances they found themselves in though. As to have someone capable of making decisions no one should have to, and operate under copious amounts of stress, was priceless.

So, in their time of need, the five of them looked to the madman, waiting for his orders. In the time before he said anything though, he would act on his own.

His joy would fade completely, and he'd stand up, they'd have attempted to follow him, but just above, the remnants of cables and lights exploded from within.

The event would paralyze them for a bit, and with that opportunity, he would make his way to one of the maintenance ladders.

Then, to everyone's discomfort, he'd ascend to the surface. His footsteps would soon disappear into the distance, and everyone would find themselves looking at each other, unsure of what to do.

As they sat there in the dark, confused, their fear would rise, when form above, a sea of howls and screeches emerged.

They would all jump where they were before regaining some semblance of composure.

All the noise would then be followed by ungodly amounts of ear rupturing blasts one after another, and at some point, even the barrage of a mini gun.

The uncomfortable sounds would then persist for another few minutes, and too many at that, then, everything went quiet.

They had no idea what to think, and no one could blame them. It did get them thinking though, because what if he never returned, what if he never came back, what then.

Sure, Cali was fast, but there was only so many people she could carry at a time while maintaining high enough speeds to outrun the creatures.

Thus, even though she had faith in August, she'd hold the sleeping May tight, just in case. The other three would see this, and so their discomfort grew.

They hadn't spoken, despite knowing each other, because they had no idea how the things were hunting them down, but as they laid silent, they passed above, as such, they maintained their silence.

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