Remember Me

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Time was never one to sit still, and so it would pass, especially seeing as August didn't intend to show May the whole past. He saw most the future, and knew he didn't have the leisure to sit around, even if he did warp her perception.

There were limits after all, for a normal person at least. Thus, he'd skip through them one at a time to expedite the process. He'd show all his favorites, or that's how she interpreted it at least.

The first of which, was him and Sonata playing hide and seek in the clouds, though he didn't seem to be there, at all. He was a projection, having taken up the burden of Fate's power to allow her to be normal, for a time at least.

Her laugh echoed throughout the clouds, infectious, as they floated through the white expanse, it was the least he could. It had a time limit too, for eventually, the two parts of Fate would become incompatible.

It was a strange experience, even as she sat in August's head, even then, it was like watching a movie, he wasn't really there. It was made worse by the state of his body, destroying itself and the space around him the longer he held the two parts of the monster within himself.

Yet, he never rushed her, in fact, she wouldn't know until the day she herself took up the other half of the power against his wishes.

As for the second of the memories, it was May as a child. The love he felt for her then, he was sure of it, sure it was real, and so, he cherished the memory. Her smile and giggles, it was one memory he could never forget.

As for the third, it was him and Cali surfing, as per their agreement, he was there at her behest.

The way she smiled, the way she laughed, even as she was tossed by the waves. He admired it, admired her, her attitude, her personality, to him, she was perfect. Yet, even that feeling, he could not validate of his own accord.

Thus, May would realize the obsession he had with happiness, something he himself, could not obtain.

The fourth memory, was one of him as a child, he was learning to walk, his parents smiles ever present.

The fifth of the memories, was him, Brody, Kim, Bob and Cali, having a picnic. And though he smiled along with them, he was empty, void of all emotion.

She'd realize that the closer time moved to the present day, the emptier he was, emotionally, and mentally. In fact, he was slipping, turning into something else entirely.

The sixth memory was a recent one, it was him looking at May's sculptures as he waited for her. He was proud of her, or he wanted to be at least, yet he was empty, mimicking the emotions he should have had. The memories of his mother eating away at him.

As for the seventh and last of the memories, he'd return to the past, it was with Cali. It was some point after when the time they spent together changed from obligation, to comfort, to love. He felt love, but he wasn't even sure of that.

She laid on his lap beneath the night's sky, her eyes mesmerizing, her laugh almost contagious. His eyes showing him the torrent of emotions she felt, all, reassuring. Yet, he cried, or tried to at least, all there was, blood. She didn't see at first, didn't notice.

"The best part of being able see the future, is knowing what will happen, and the worst part of it, is watching it happen. Because nothing can prepare you for when it actually happens..." His tear would fall on her cheek.

She'd look up into his eyes.

"What are you saying...?" She wiped away his tears.

"In every one... I fall in love with you... and in every one... I try to save you... and in every one... I fail... and you die..." His eyes would over flow.

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