Movie Night

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9 weeks pregnant

Maya was on her way over to Riley's apartment. Riley said something about a movie night on the phone and it didn't sound like something Maya could get out of. Maya had been feeling increasingly distant from Riley ever since she found out about the baby. Maybe it was because she felt bad keeping such a big secret from her, or because she was so worried all the time that she couldn't even listen to Riley when she talked. She constantly had thoughts whirring in her head and she couldn't stay focused. 

As she walked, Maya passed a hot dog cart on the street. Normally she loved hot dogs. As soon as she'd smell one there'd be no question. She'd have to buy one. But this time it was different. She took one whiff of the hot dogs and her stomach did a flip. She bent down and threw up on the sidewalk. People stared down at her in disgust as she crouched down, humiliated. She didn't actually think things like this happened. She thought morning sickness was just something adults talked about to make it sound like their lives weren't as easy as they seemed. 

Maya stood up and tied back her hair. She felt okay now, but thought she'd be cautious in case she felt sick again. She held her breath as she hurried past the hot dog cart.

Riley opened the door before Maya could. Maya could tell from her face that she was awfully excited about something. 

"What took you so long? You told me you were leaving like, forever ago. We almost started the movie without you," she said in a tone that was much too cheery for Maya's taste.

"Um, we?" Maya repeated. She stepped over the threshold and looked around the room. She suddenly didn't feel too well. Corey, Topanga, Auggie, Ava, Farkle, Lucas, and Josh all sat around the TV. Maya hadn't prepared to face all these people all at once. This wasn't what she wanted for this night. Josh avoided making eye contact and she could feel Lucas's eyes on her as she moved across the room and sat by herself. 

"I see the guest of honor has finally arrived," Corey said, looking at Maya.

"Why am I the guest of honor?" Maya asked suspiciously. If Farkle said something, if that turtle-necked little nerd said anything, Maya swore she would hurt him and she'd like it. 

"It's movie night law. The last one to get here gets to pick the movie, remember?" said Topanga.

Maya breathed a sigh of relief. They didn't know anything. Thank God. 

"Oh, um, I don't really care. Let someone else pick," Maya answered. She didn't know what else to say, but she knew immediately that was the wrong thing to say. 

"That's it! Window, now!" Riley announced. She dragged Maya towards her bedroom. Maya flopped herself down on the window and tried to look casual. She knew she was about to be under some serious questioning. 

"What's up, Riles? Drama with Ranger Rick?" Maya asked.

"You have been acting weird ever since that day you left the mall with Farkle. What's going on? Are you two a thing now? Is that it?" Riley questioned. 

Maya could see she was going to need some kind of excuse for her recent behavior, but she didn't want to drag Farkle into her drama any more than she already had.

"Nah, that's not it. It's nothing Riles. Really. Forget it," Maya reponded.

"You think that I can just forget that something is bothering you? Do you know me at all?" Riley said.

"It's just my mom. She's all of a sudden taken interest in my grades and she's been giving me a hard time about it lately," Maya lied.

Riley set off on a ten minute lecture about how Maya is smart and Riley knows that and Riley's dad knows that and if Maya would just apply herself she'd have much better grades in no time. The only thing Maya could think of was the image of the condoms next to the pregnancy test in the drugstore 3 weeks ago. I'm not that smart, she thought.

"Yeah, I got it Riley. I'll try harder. Now can we drop it?" Maya finally said when Riley stopped for a breath. 

"Yeah, I guess," Riley smiled. They went back to the living room where everyone turned to give them annoyed looks.

Maya sat through the whole movie going over her conversation with Riley in her head. Poor, naive Riley who didn't know the first thing about what was going on with Maya. There was no way she'd ever figure it out on her own, Maya at least had that security. Her parents might, but Maya hoped that if that were to happen they'd talk to Maya first. She was dreading that conversation. 

When the movie ended, Maya picked up her bowl of popcorn and brought it to the sink. Josh followed with his. 

"Hey, you're not all over me tonight! You feeling alright?" he asked Maya.

Maya felt her heart race. 

"I'm just over that I guess," Maya answered. She walked back to the couch, grabbed her jacket and opened the door. 

"Bye people," she called as she closed the door and left as fast as she could. 


A/N: I don't really like this chapter, but I'm gonna publish it anyway and start the next one now. Comment & follow! 

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