Packing Up

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34 weeks pregnant

"And you're sure they're letting me out tomorrow?" Maya persisted.

"Yes, I'm sure," Lucas smiled.

Maya couldn't believe they made her stay in the hospital for two weeks. She hadn't been allowed to get out of bed at all the and she was beyond bored. Lucas had been with her whenever he could, but he still had school. He'd bring her her homework an go over what they did in each class that day. Maya hated it. She'd much rather have just been in school. Maya made this opinion very clear to the doctors at every opportunity she got.

"I don't think you understand how close of a call that was, Maya," they'd say.

"You took a very serious fall and we need to monitor you for a while to make sure everything is good," someone told her.

She tried to focus on the positive: her baby was healthy. That's all that mattered. Nevertheless, it was annoying.

"I'm gonna start packing your stuff now so that we have less to do in the morning," Lucas said as he folded one of Maya's shirts.

"You won't even be here in the morning. You have school," Maya reminded him.

"I'm gonna take the morning off to take you home," Lucas said without looking up from his folding.

"You don't have to do that. I can call my mom or something," Maya said.

"Hey, I'd rather be with you than at school any day," he replied, looking at her now.

"I may as well just stay here. I'm gonna be back in six weeks anyway, if not before," Maya sighed.

"Come on, you know you have to leave. We have stuff to do. You need to finish up your last few weeks of school before the baby comes, we still need to set up the nursery, and you have work," Lucas explained.

"Ugh," Maya sighed again.

Maya was going to try to stay in school up until she was 38 weeks pregnant, and then she would have two weeks off before she was born, and two weeks after she was born. As for her job at the movies, they wanted her to work right up until the baby came.

"The nurse is bringing you crutches in a few minutes. She wants you to practice on them before they discharge you tomorrow," Lucas told her.

"Are you gonna stay for it?" Maya asked.

Lucas glanced at his watch.

"I can stay if you want me to," he said.

"Okay," Maya said.

Other than the almost-emergent-baby-delivery, Maya survived the fall with no more than a nasty bruise on her forehead and a severely broken ankle. This was quite the inconvenience to her as she was so heavily pregnant and had trouble walking as it was. They were giving her crutches, but they were also sending her home in a wheelchair for longer distances.

"It's gonna be hard getting up the stairs to my apartment," Maya thought aloud.

"They have a service elevator they said you can use," Lucas said.

"Really? Nice," Maya said.

"Have you decided if you're gonna hobble or be wheeled around school?" Lucas said with a laugh.

"I don't know. I'll get tired real easy with the crutches, but I'll need someone to push me in the wheelchair all the time," Maya debated.

"I'll push you around," Lucas offered.

"You don't think that would look ridiculous?" Maya asked.

"Maya, we're teenagers having a baby. How much more ridiculous can we look?" Lucas laughed.

"That's true," Maya laughed.

Lucas finished packing up her clothes just as the nurse arrived to help Maya out of bed for the first time in two weeks. Lucas stood beside her encouraging her the whole time. It wasn't as hard as she'd expected, but her ankle did hurt a lot.

Once she got situated back in bed, Lucas told her he had to get home.

"Riley said she might come see you later, but if not I'll be here in the morning. Your mom's coming to stay with you for a few hours tonight too," Lucas said.

"Okay," Maya responded.

"Can I say goodbye to the baby?" Lucas asked.

Maya smiled.

"Sure," she said.

She pulled her blanket off her belly and pointed it towards Lucas. He bent down to it and whispered something. He'd done this a few times over the last few weeks. Maya figured it was because they almost lost her and it really freaked Lucas out.

He gently kissed her belly and then left. Maya drifted off for a while and thought about how tough the next few weeks would be. She tried to not be scared. Take it one day at a time, she told herself. One day at a time.


A/N: I'm like really mildly considering doing a teeny tiny Lucas POV at 36 weeks but I don't know. I also think it might be weird because this is written in third person centered around Maya. Thoughts? I can't believe how close this is to being over! Also anyone else back in school now? Okay I need to stop rambling now. Bye :)

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