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When The CEO  came at the KDC Twin Tower.. there was a commotion happening at the information desk..

Seokjin saw Namjoon and some Security blocking someone whose having an argument with him..

"Hoseok,Was it Namjoon? "
Seokjin whispering at Hoseok, whose also walking next to him, Hoseok takes a glimpse on what is happening
"Yes Sir, it was Lawyer Kim"
"What's happening?"
He asked Hoseok, then the other gave signal to the securities to get them aware of what is happening in the information desk..

One of the security approach Hoseok and whispered something..
After that Hoseok turned at the commotion, like he's looking for someone -
And when he confirmed something, he walked fast at Seokjin , whose now approaching the elevator..

" That's Nothing Sir.. something just came out. Mr.Kim is already fixing it at the moment, nothing to worry about"
When the elevator door open and Seokjin getting in.. Seokjin's eyes was still fix at the desk..

The Security staffs was grabbing someone..
The Guards are blocking him.. but when the elevator door was almost closing he got a quick look at the man ..
Suddenly he turned at him-

It was Jungkook.
Their eyes met.. Seokjin was stunned..
While Jungkook was fiercedful

Jungkook screamed but Hoseok pushed the button quickly- the door closed.

"Seokjin! Kim Seokjin!!!"
"Stop him!!! Please get him out of here!"
Namjoon told them loudly..
Yoongi was also screaming , the guards was also grabbing him..
"Let us go! We're going out okay?! Just let us go!"
He said..
But Jungkook was fighting for his life with all those Security guards whose holding him here and there..

"No! I'm not going anywhere until I talk to him! Get off!"

He keep bouncing on those Men whose grabbing him , pushing himself vigorously towards the elevator where he  saw  Kim Seokjin ..
Until his tattooed arms freed from them, and in the blink of an eye he rained them with punches.. Yoongi also able to freed himself and kicked the guard whose grabbing him behind him he runs towards to where Jungkook is , whose now attacking Namjoon on his collar..
" bring me to your boss!!!"
He screamed at his face
"Get that hands off me or I'll see you in court!"
Namjoon calmly said although his face was paling and his body is trembling..
"See me wherever you want! " Jungkook mumbles before throwing a punch on his face


"Stop it on the next floor !"
Seokjin told Them..
"Sir ! That wasn-"
"Just do what I said !"
Seokjin screamed at him
All the staff inside rushed to push the  button..
Seokjin goes out of the car the check on the other car.. luckily the elevator door opened .
They all entered inside
"Jung Hoseok see me at the office after this!"
Hoseok bowed his head..
He doesn't want to lie but it's not applicable to tell him what's happening, specially when it's all Jungkook is happening!

And when the elevator door opened, all the security guards are hardly grabbing Jungkook on every part of his body..  while Kim Namjoon was about to attack him with a strong punch-

"Kim Namjoon!!!"
Seokjin had to screamed loudly to stop Namjoon from beating Jungkook.

Some of the guards are already pointing their guns at the two ..

"Jin.." Jungkook muttered

"Everyone leave them alone, get back to your post now"
In split of seconds everyone freed them ..
They stand straight before respectfully bowed at the CEO.

Namjoon fixing his coat and tie before also turned at Kim Seokjin and bowed
"I'm sorry, Sir"

"Oh my God! Attorney Kim! "
Hoseok exclaiming because of the bruises on Namjoon's face..

"Miss Nayeon, send the Company Doctors to NamJoon's office. Hoseok, bring them with you at the Clinic, get their bruises treated"
He throw  a glare on Yoongi and then at Jungkook, before confronting his Lawyer..
"Attorney Kim follow me "

Seokjin's authority was superb! Jungkook never saw this Kim Seokjin back in Seoul-
But he remembered the arrogant one -
Yeah! Here in Paris when they first met.
The Handsome and Arrogant man who Bumped him .

Jungkook stand up and fixed his black long sleeve shirt, he followed the him a gaze until  he stepped inside the elevator again. Jungkook put both his hand on his waist with the clicking of his tongue on cheeks..
When Seokjin turn to face at the door of the elevator -
Their eyes met, Seokjin didn't blink.. his dark gaze was fixed on him.. Jungkook tried hard not to turn away, Jungkook holding his breath and he smirked before the door of the elevator closed ..

Only then he breathe out..

"This what I get for being a good cousin!"
Yoongi wipes the blood on his lips


Namjoon was sitting on his desk when the secretary knocks on the door and lead  Jungkook and Yoongi inside his office

"Where's Kim Seokjin?"

"He sent both of you here , so we can settle your business of coming here"

Jungkook walked towards his desk while Yoongi comfortably sat on the couch with all his legs crossed and arms spread widely.

"I have no business with you! Whoever you are! I need to talked to Kim Seokjin and see my son!"
Namjoon throw a glimpse on Yoongi before staring back at Jungkook whose now leaning both his hand above his desk..

"So you are Mr. Jeon Jungkook. The biological father of Kim Taehyung.. whose happened to be legally adopted by the CEO of Kim Dynasty Corporation.. do you understand what I'm talking about,
Mr. Jeon? " Namjoon carefully leaned at the back rest of his swivel chair, his elbows leaning on the chair arms, with his fingers Interwinding..
"Or do I need to elaborate it for your better understanding? Anyway, my name is Attorney Kim Namjoon.. nice to meet you"

He offered his hands on Jungkook ..
But the younger just looked at his hand, before standing straight, crossing his arms..

"I already said, I don't give a damn to whoever you are. Why don't we have a deal..
You will give me his address and I will go out of your office peacefully or you can decline.. and I'll break that beautiful nose.. that beautiful eyes.. and beautiful mouth.. and then I will crushed every bone in your body-
Then you can sue me, but you will never see the world again!"

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