Chapter 1:Thors

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A light blue haired 13 year old girl who stood at about 144 centimeters and had fuschia eyes stood next to a green haired girl in a white hoodie with amber eyes.

"KeA. I know we just met a few days ago but Big sis has to go to school for something very important to her friends. You will be a good girl and listen to Renne won't you?" Saya asked the child while petting her head. Her face was plastered with a huge smile.

"I promise to listen to everything she says." KeA said getting up from her seat, heading straight for her room after getting more headpated. The blue haired girl walked to the train with a sheathed blade and suitcase. She adjusted her red blazer as she got on the train at crossbell station at 6:15 am. She  walked to her seat, and an hour later. She swapped trains after a few hours.

She then noticed something that caught her attention and made her eyes sparkle. A dark blue haired boy who looked to be about 17 also in a red blazer. She walked up to his booth as she smiled wanting to make the best impression possible

"Hello! Is the opposite seat taken?" The girl asked enthusiastically. He looked over at the blue haired girl and said.

"Be my guest." He kindly said as she sat across from him.

"Hi! My name is Saya! What's yours?" the blue haired girl said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you Saya, my name is Rean Schwarzer." He responded smiling at her.She held her suitcase as Rean noticed they were wearing the same uniform despite her being noticeably younger than him. Rean looked over to see that the other students had different colored blazers. "Uhh Saya, did you notice that we were wearing the same outfit despite our age? That raises the question 'how old are you?" He asked, trying not to be rude.

"Rean! You can't ask a girl her age or weight when they first meet! That's, like, totally rude! That's like asking about my salary!" Saya said teasingly as Rean began to get flustered as she smiled widely at this reaction. He put his hands up trying to ease the situation.

"Oh um...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" Rean began saying awkwardly, causing Saya to giggle.

"Well if you must know I'm 13 and 11 months. I am 50 curim, and I make more than you." Saya told him in detail with a smile on her face.

SMDBZX edited Author Note: 1 curim=1 kilo=2.20462lbs

"Ummm...back to what I said earlier. Why are we the only ones in Red?" He asked again, trying to get back to the main subject.

"It's probably a caste system. We probably low rolled into the peasant class where we have to clean the chicken coop and scrub the toilets." Saya told him with a smile.

"That could be one of the reasons, unless the colors could be based on how well we did on the entrance exam." He suggested his own thoughts and the colors.

"We are in the same tier? Ethier I'm really smart or you're really dumb!" Saya said with a giant smile.

"What? I'm not dumb." Rean said confused from the statement.

"Then I guess I'm really smart!" Saya said happily running circles around Reans brain.

"This girl is quite strange." He thought to himself, still being confused about her game.She stared at him as her smile shifted into something more akin to a neutral expression as she pulled out a cookie

"You want a cookie?" Saya asked, tossing it at him. He caught the cookie, looking at it a bit awkwardly.

"Thanks, I'll eat it later. And I already had a big breakfast this morning." He responded smiling at her with a slight laugh. After a few hours, the train stopped and the two got off.

"Alrighty! I am off to that orientation we are both supposed to attend!" Saya said, running off surprisingly fast with her suitcase.

"Hey wait up!" He said running up to her. He barely caught up to her after she stopped. "Jeez you run too fast, slow down."

"That wasn't even my full sprinting speed..." Saya told him, stopping to let him breathe.

"Are you some kinda runner?" He asked if that was a real question.

"Nope. I was trained by a lot of strong people. I am, like, totally in shape! Speaking of which!" Saya began to run off towards the school again.

"Jeez here we go again." He began running after her again.
A few minutes later

Saya reached the school as a brown haired girl approached her.

"Hi I'm Towa Hershel. You are Saya S Sandlot right?" Towa asked her.

"Mhm. What do you need?" Saya asked with a smile.

"Your luggage and weapon, I will give them back after a few hours." Towa told her as Saya dropped them and immediately continued running. Rean got up to the gate as he dropped off his luggage, and he found Saya sitting next to a silver haired girl.

"I didn't do anything!" Saya loudly whispered "Why are you always so judgemental Sylphid!"

"I don't need to explain myself. You should already know that answer." Fie whispered back.

"I do. You were heavily confused but not surprised when I came running in and sat next to you." Saya told her with a smile.

"You're something else, you know that princess." Fie replied back.

"I take pride in it. Among other factors~" Saya said as Rean sat down next to an orange haired boy. After listening to a long boring speech. Everyone but the 10 kids in red left as a cerise haired lady walked in.

"Arlight kids! You are probably wondering 'where's my class?' But not to worry I shall lead you to your explanation and icebreaker!" The lady said.

"Purple lightning hasn't changed much has she?" Saya asked Fie.

"Not really...well nothing we can do anything about it." Fie replied back as they all got up and followed

End of chapter

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