Chapter 27:the legend of saya

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As Saya was waiting for the others she checked her mail and saw a letter.

"Dear Big sis.

Last month was really really eventful. This crazy doctor kidnapped me. He even brainwashed like half of the soldiers in crossbell. But Renne,Rixia and the maids saved me and murdered the doctor. It was really crazy. Estelle and Joshua tried to take Renne from us. But once they saw she was happy they relented and decided that they could just visit and to not take Renne away. They have come to visit me since and have taken to be Crossbellian bracers! Oh! Renne's telling me to tell you that the Mafia got arrested. We bought out their former property and are richer than ever! Renne said we are making into a Cabby ret. Or something like that. I hope you are having fun at Military school! You better bring me home souvenirs!

Sincerely KeA!"

Saya laughed a bit at the letter and thought about the plushies and stuff she had collected for KeA. She would probably arrange for them to be mailed when she got home from her trip to the highlands. She ate some donuts as her classmates came and went. She then stepped out to make a call.the phone rang for a few minutes as the person picked up.

"Hi Beloved!" The sweet voice answered.

"Hey? You up?" Saya asked.

"Haven't been up for fifteen minutes yet...what did you need?" Alfin asked groggily.

"We are going to Nord but our route kinda overlaps with Hemidallr. Since things are going be on a train for like 8 hours. I was wondering if you and Elise could buy 5 to go lunches." Saya asked.

"Sure...What are you thinking?" Alfin asked.

"Uh....Little katana?" Saya asked.

"Mmm....sounds nice. K. I will do the pickup." Alfin said.

"Wuv ya." Saya told her.

"Wuv ya too." Alfin said, hanging up.

Saya put away her phone as she waited on the others. In the meantime she put her letter away. Eventually the others came down as they ate breakfast and boarded the train to heimdallr.

"So we have 3 stops don't we?" Alisa asked.

"Yes. We are going to heimdallr. Switching to a train for Roer. Then it will be another six hours to the highlands." Gaius explained.

"In other words we are going to be on the train for a grand total of 8 to 9 hours." Saya said, slightly annoyed.

"Pretty much." Gaius nodded.

"Deep breaths Alisa." Saya said as she parallel processed and not even having to open her eyes to know what Alisa was thinking.

"Yeah I know. I am going to live. I am not going to die after literally five minutes of exposure talking to her." Alisa explained.

Saya nodded silently and sat with her eyes closed and mediated as she leaned her head on the vibrating window from the movement.

"Wait, what's going on?" Rean asked, confused.

"She clearly doesn't have a good relationship with the president of Reinford/her mother." Jusis told him.

"Oh." Rean nodded as he sat next to his sister. They silently rode the train for 20 minutes.

They got off the train as they were approached by the two girls.

"Rean!" Elise said as they ran up carrying one bag in each hand with the exception of Alfins right hand which carried two.

"Hey Elise? What are those?" Rean asked.

"Our lunches. Sushi is going to be our lunch." Saya told him.

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