Chapter 5:menial labor

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After Saya walked into the cafeteria,drank two sodas,and ate two burgers she walked up to the student council room and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" A voice called. Saya walked in to find a brown haired girl in a green commoners school uniform. The most jarring part was the fact she seemed to be only a few centimeters taller then her despite the fact if she was a second year she should be 5-6 years older then her.

"Uh..." Saya said slightly surprised that the student council was run by a midget.

"Yes? What is it?" The girl asked.

"Uh Towa. I am here for our student notebooks. Sara sent me on a fetch quest." Saya told the president avoiding the subject of her height.

"Ah right. Apologies. Please give me a moment." The girl said. She hopped out of here chair, going to a desk nearby, and giving Saya a stack of notebooks.

"Did you have to do all do these by hand?" Saya asked slightly confused why it took forever.

"Yeah...we're also quite busy. The Student Council takes care of alot of things, not just assisting the school faculties." The girl told her, "I dont believe we've met. You are...?"

"Saya. We met for a moment before the opening ceremony. I was trying to outrun Rean." Saya said jogging her memory of their one minute meeting.

"Ah yes. I suppose we did meet momentarily. But i'd hardly call that an introduction." The girl told Saya.

"I guess not. Tho I suppose a certain master slacker would. Then again I'm too young even for him." Saya said as the president realized immediately who Saya was referring too.

"Ah you must be referring to Crow." The President said with no hesitancy.

"Yeah he and I get along great." Saya said "he told me to give you his regards." Towa sighed not having the highest hopes for someone who gets along that great with the greatest slacker in the school.

"I see..." Towa said, "Well good luck with getting the notebooks over quickly."

Saya walked out as it was now nighttime as she got a Call as she Answered "Hello. This is Prostitute 666. Please give your name address and social security Number so I can send you to the depths of Gehenna." Saya said Basically treating this like a prank call.

"Sorry Saya, I enjoy my job." Sara told her.

"You! I did your manual labor! What are you planning next Valestein?" Saya said dramatically switching to a venomous tone.

"Whaaat? Im not planning anythiiing." She said in a sarcastically playful voice, "I just wanted ot let you know your getting mail in the morning so you dont miss it!"

"Did my Cocaine come in?" Saya asked a dumb question despite not smoking.

"Mmm...sure. See you in class~!" Sara said, before hanging up on Saya.

Saya walked back to the dorm as she walked up the stairs delivering each notebook.

The next day. She woke up and went to check the mailbox.

Inside the mailbox was a letter, coming from the student council.

"Let's see...Find some chicks Wallet. do some deliveries...and invegistate the old school house." Saya read. "Oh look...I am getting paid for my troubles."

Saya was getting paid a very underwhelming amount of Mira's, but it was money for free work none the less.

Saya ran around the school like a headless chicken looking for the girls wallet and Eventually found it. She then went downstairs to the cafeteria "Are you Coal-ette?" Saya said mispronouncing the name Colette.

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