Chapter 26:Bum Woes

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Their third Combat test day has arrived. Though interestingly enough there was no combat shell in sight. They all looked at Instructor Sara.

"So oh wondrous Drunkard, what have you prepared for us this time?" Jusis asked their drunk slacker of a teacher.

"Meh not much. I have decided that throwing a combat shell at you kids won't show an accurate showing of your progress so I decided that from this test onward I'm going to put you brats against each other!" Sara explained as they had a mixture of shock and smirks.

"Yay! I can legally jump you guys!" Saya said with a smile.

"Please tell me whichever of us is unfortunate enough to get paired up as her opponent gets a bigger team." Machias said terrified at the concept of fighting that little demon in human skin.

"Meh sure! Saya,Rean. You two are going up against Laura,Fie,Jusis,Machias!" Sara announced as saya smiled.

"Oh Machias?" Saya said with a slasher smile. Machias face turned to absolute fear.

"Instructor Sara?! How is this fair?" Machias asked.

"What? You outnumber them!" Sara said, whistling.

"She's worth more than one of us and you know it!" Machias asked.

"Yeah...but I can't give her a free 100." Sara retorted while rolling her eyes.

"Get over yourself and fight like a man." Jusis told him.

"WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOURE TALKING TO YOU NOBLE PIECE-" Machias started before Sara cut him off.

"3 2 1 GO!" Sara said as within seconds a shockwave occured as Sylphid and the calamity clashed. Saya then kicked Sylphid straight in the stomach, sending her flying. Laura attempted to attack Saya but was caught in a sword clash with Rean.

"You didn't think it was gonna be that easy did you?" Rean asked jokingly.

"I could only hope!" Laura retorted as they clashed blades. Reans tachi and Laura's greatsword colliding on relatively equal grounds.

Saya then went after Jusis as they clashed. "Hehehe Jusis you seem to have been training!" Saya said with a smile.

"Of course I have been. Do you really think we wouldn't step up our game before your monstrous power and results?" Jusis asked.

"Would you blame me if I did?" Saya asked.

"Yes." Jusis said as another shockwave occurred. Machias fumbled his shotgun and prepared a shot.

"Break shot!" Machias said, shooting a bullet at Saya as her brain kicked into autopilot. The bullet flew towards her as she moved her body a few inches as her Katana glowed for a second. As if that bullet was a mere baseball she swung her sword as the bullet flattened on her sword as the flattened armor piercing bullet was sent flying back hitting Machias in the knee.

"GAH! WHAT THE HELL?" Machias screamed as he took the bullet to the knee. He fell to one knee.

"Machias! You aren't a sailor!" Saya yelled as Machias howled in pain.

"Shut up!" Machias said, holding his knee.

as Jusis tried to swing at Saya again she jumped back. All of a sudden a flash bomb appeared on the battlefield as Saya was temporarily blinded along with Jusis and Machias. Saya closed her eyes as she attempted to sense the girl. Fie tried to sneak attack her as she blocked her attacks with the raw force of the swings.

"No weight behind them huh Fie?" Saya asked as she attempted to regain her Vision.

""I'll will show you no weight." Fie said as Saya began to swing wildly at the silver haired girl. She couldn't merely dodged the force of the swings. Too much range. Fie blocked them the best they could as Saya regained her vision as she got trapped in a barrier as she looked to see Jusis charging up an attack.

Trails of azure steelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora