Chapter 16:Domiance

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As the duo walked Alfin did pick up something. Despite Sayas words...she wasn't being as physically aggressive as the game she talked.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" Alfin asked.

"Of course. I'm the subject undivided of the highest class cutie this side of zemurias attention. I would be a fool to not be enjoying myself in your presence." Saya told her in a calm manner.

"I see..." Alfin said with a smidge bit of disbelief, or maybe disappointment, in her voice.

"Is something wrong Fin?" Saya asked "Please don't pull the 'it's nothing' card. It won't do anything but make you sadder."

"I thought things would be different then how it is, that's all." Alfin said, "Not quite like the novella's I read."

"Would you like to know why I'm not being as aggressive as you would like?" Saya asked in her calm voice.

"Sure." Alfin nodded.

"Consent. I am not going ruin a girls beauty and force myself on them without their unconditional condition. Rape/assault is one of the few concepts I can't tolerate." Saya told her honestly.

"Well I never said no, did I?" Alfin said.

"You never said yes. Thats the thing. I wouldn't dare assume something as precious as consent. That's every persons divine right fin. I take consent seriously" Saya told her.

"Mmm...I see. I suppose you are right." Alfin said nodding.

"So no. Besides hugs and holding your hand I am not daring to touch your body in a sexual manner until you give me consent." Saya told her seriously. Alfin flinched, wide-eyed.

"H-Hand holding!?" Alfin asked, blushing. Saya pointed at their locked hands with her free hand estintally pointing at that,yes,they had been holding hands, "Oh talk about consent and yet you've been holding my hand without my knowledge!? You lewd beast..."

"You are interested in being one of this 'lewd beast' pack animals. So I suppose you have no room to judge Fin." Saya told her playing along with her wording in a playful manner.

"Saya..." Alfin said, a surprisingly serious look on her face, "I have read many knowledgable novella's, novels, and even documentaries provided by my parents...their is nothing more perverted then hand holding. I give my respect to thee."

"This is the pace you chosen." Saya told her but again showing her respect "but I will let go if you want?"

"No. This is exactly the experience i have been missing in my life." Alfin said.

"Arlight. So clarify so I can treat you how you please. Do I have your unconditional consent at this point?" Saya questioned Making her respect for the art of yuri clear.

"Saya you have already vandalized me, you have not even reason to ask." Alfin said. Saya gave her a look. A look that clearly said 'I am taking this seriously'. Alfin face flinched at the fact that yeah that was a badly timed joke.

"Alright, alright, Im done. You dont need to look at me so fiercely." Alfin said to her, giving a sigh, "If you truly want me to be serious, I am okay with exploring."

Saya sighed and nodded before hugging Alfin Saya having her head in her bosom.

"I apologize Fin...But that's the one topic I won't make light of." Saya told Alfin seriously from her chest. Alfin blushed but smiled, petting her head.

"Okay, okay, im sorry." Alfin said.

"By the way you're top girl for now. The other two don't have any interest in the role." Saya told her.

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