Chapter 21:off the train

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The second the five people got off the train a bunch of people swarmed around them.

"Welcome back lord Jusis!" A random person said clearly sucking up to the blond boy.

"Hello, hello. I am here on school business, please stand out of my way." Jusis requested of the man, lifting his hand in a passive-threatening way.

"At least let us carry your bags." Another one said.

"I can carry all the bags!" Saya said, flexing her supsringly muscular arms.

"I will ask one more time, we can take care of ourselves. Please remove yourself." Jusis requested the swarm of Jusis loyalists.

"Can I get violent Jusis?" Saya asked as Emma and Alisa looked at the crowd slightly off putted by the group.

"I'm considering it." Jusis admitted to the girl.

"You can't speak like that in lords Jusises presence!" another sai baffled their Jusis would hang out with someone so barbaric.

"Okay," Jusis sighed, "You have my permission Saya."

"Yay!" She sent all of them flying as she then screamed "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!"

The crowd ran away, indeed running for their lives in fear.

"Are you capable of actual peaceful Methods?!" Machias asked.

"Shut up Regintz." Jusis said not even turning to him.

"You just sent those people who are damn near bowing at your feet flying!" Machias criticized.

"And I enjoyed it!" Saya smiled, acting like the ultra violence was a-okay.

"Girls you can't agree with this can you!?" Machias asked.

"It tracks." Emma said knowing who Saya is currently working for.

"What's the deal with that anyway? I know your a noble Jusis but that seemed more like a bunch of obsessed fans then a royal welcome." Alisa noted as she crossed her arms.

"You didn't even check this places info did you Alisa?" Saya asked with confusion and genuine confusion.

"No. I was sleeping on the train." Alisa lied. In actuality she was dreading every future moment in this group she'd have to deal with this group.

"This is my fathers city. and considering I am from one of the four great houses I suppose you can connect the dots on your own." Jusis said with a sigh.

"I still think they're sucking up a bit much..." Alisa said.

"This is Erbonia. Hierarchy is everything. Silly Alisa." Saya giggled in a childish voice.

"I see." Alisa said, nodding.

"Machias. No classism." Saya said pointing her finger.

"Tell that to Machias." Jusis said, pointing out the fact Machias was silently throwing a fit.

"I just did Jusis. I said his name." Saya told him.

"You have to double-take when talking to Machias." Jusis said.

"Machias. Ditto my previous statement!" Saya repeated.

"Im not deaf!" Machias said angrily.

"Not yet~" Saya teased. Machias began grumbling angrily, surrounded by these noble loyalist was probably killing him.

"So can I be group leader?" Saya asked while raising her hands.

"Logically speaking I should be since i know this area like the back of my hand, but someone would cause a ruckus. So i have no objection." Jusis said, making a fair point.

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