Chapter 4:School life

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A few weeks later. It was a bright and sunny morning as Rean opened his dorm room door as he saw the smiling Light azure haired girl staring with a smile "GOOD MORNING ONII-CHAN!" Saya said still being persistent with this joke due to the fact Rean having not accepted her reality.

"Hi Saya." Rean had simply said.

"Are you ready for school?" She said hugging him.

"I guess so." Rean said, staring down and not showing the same affection.

She held his hand and dragged him downstairs as she saw the blond and the girl with glasses "Hi Emma! Hi Alisa! Me and Onii-chan are about to go to school!" Saya waved at her classmates with her free hand.

"Onii-Chan...?" Emma asked, only slightly recalling the last events.

"Mhm. He's my big brother! Tho he seems to be in denial of the fact." Saya said with a smile.

"We're not related." Rean told them his truth.

"Yes we are! Let me have some of your blood so I can prove it!" Saya said annoyed that Rean was still denying reality.

"Im not going to let you take my blood!" Rean told her.

"Uh...." Alisa said being heavily confused here.

"We're going to be late to class. Let's get going." Rean said.

Saya began dragging Rean along as he was once again surprised at how freakishly strong this 13 year old was.

"Stop dragging me!" Rean told the child. Saya immediately let go as Rean almost tripped. Rean straightened his posture, and began to move at a more 'him' pace.

"So Onii-chan? How are you liking thors so far?" Saya asked with her usual smile as if she bore not a shred of ill will towards him despite her nigh endless onslaught of "harassment".

"Besides being dragged around and occused sibling of and by a's okay. Kind of weird to be in a unique class..." Rean said.

"I am having so much fun. Espically with you and Fie." Saya said with a smile "tho I suppose bullying Machias with Jusis's assistance is also relatively fun."

"You two seem to have a history, you and Fie." Rean noted.

"Mhm!" Saya nodded.

"I see." Rean said, "She dosent seem social though."

"She isn't usually. Tho I suppose when you try and kill each other enough times you are comfortable talking to that person." Saya said with a smile despite talking about murder.

"You talk about stuff like that way too lightly." Rean said.

"It's my normal!" Saya said smiling.

"So you say." Rean says.

"Mhm! Would you like me to train you?" Saya asked with a smile.

"Well your plenty strong." Rean noted, "It'd be helpful."

"Mhm!" Saya nodded as they walked by the nobles dorm and three nobles walked out.

"Hello Patrick!" Saya waved at the noble in front "It's a bit early for your daily beating aint it?" Saya asked to a frustrated Patrick and confused Rean.

"Who's this?" Rean asked.

"His name is Patrick. He's in the fencing club with me...But he can't seem to get a win on me. And I go easy on him." Saya said to a clearly frustrated Patrick.

"That dosent surprise me for some reason..." Rean said looking at them.

"Dont talk like your superior to me! Just because I've been taking it easy on you, brat." Patrick told them.

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