Chapter 9:hidden depths

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The group marched out of town to the rural countryside lush fields,brown fencing and all. The child of the group continued her usual pathological slaughter of every monster she could see.

"Sometimes I wonder if we should feel bad." Elliot commented.

"Meh. She's like this with humans when money is involved as well." Fie commented.

"That's disturbing..." Elliot responded.

"If you want I can step back and let you guys have a turn!" Saya offered when there were no monsters within about 10 arge of her.

(AN:1 arge=1 meter)

"No you can keep at it." Rean told her, "No reason for us to waste our energy..."

"Does that apply to the old schoolhouse too?" Saya said making it clear she wanted to be considerate to her big brother after he got upset for her glory hounding in the schoolhouse during the break day.

"As long as you don't tire yourself out before we get to actually do the job." Rean told her.

"Ok Big brother! I will be considerate of my energy levels for your sake!" Saya nods while not moving in for a hug.

"I'm not..." Rean started, but stopped himself shaking his head, "Okay."

"Hahah...just be glad she's trying to be more considerate of you Rean." Elliot said with a mix of a sigh and a smile.

"She switches from disturbingly blunt and knowledgeable to acting like a power-tripped child..." Rean sighed.

"Is there something wrong with how I'm acting?" Saya said now within 2 feet of Rean within the space of that thought.

"No, no. Ignore me." Rean told her.

"But I don't wanna!" Saya said, making puppy dog eyes.

"Do it anyway!" Rean told her.

"Yes big brother..." Saya said with a sad face before turning around and beginning to walk down the road again. Rean sighed and continued walking.

"You didn't have to be so harsh with her..." Laura noted.

"I wasn't being harsh." Rean defended himself.

"You basically yelled at her." Fie retorted.

"She raised her voice at me." Rean continued.

"Yes. Because she doesn't want to ignore you and loves you." Fie told him.

"So you want me to scold her for being a child?" Rean asked, "That would have been much better."

"He's hopeless." Fie said, looking at Elliot. Elliot shrugged, not necessarily wanting to agree or disagree with his friend. By the time they finished this little dispute Saya had disappeared as usual.

"See she's gone. She's having too much fun to care." Rean said. All three of them sighed and looked at Rean and continued walking in front of him. He shrugged, scratching his head and now walking behind them. Saya eventually stood at the top of a slope staring down a blue tyrannosaurus-type creature with longer arms, and a large sail on its back. "Are you prepared to die, creature?"

The creature bellowed, before giving a loud roar. The girl's light azure hair turned white and her eyes turned red, she spoke in a satanic voice as her sword turned purple as mana flowed into it.

"GOOD ANSWER! SIXTH FORM:GLORIOUS CALAMITY ARC SLASH!" She said as her sword was covered in flames as the wave of fire in arc flew at it. The creatures hissed and cried out as it was covered in the fire, searing pain covering it's body.

"YES! WE DON'T NEED NO WATER LET THE MOTHERFUCKER BURN!" Saya said laughing manically as the beast burnt. It ran through the fire covered in flames, bringing it's jaw back and trying to bite down on Saya.

"OFF WITH YOUR HEAD! FIFTH FORM:LUNATIC YIN!" Saya bellowed as she did a sword drawing slashing and beheaded the beast as it body rolled down the hill abit. Saya jumped off the slope and landed on the ground as she walked towards her classmates turning back to normal "Big brother! I killed the monster in two hits!"

"You didin't save anything for me?" Rean asked, crossing his arms.

"You said I could do as I like as long I didn't wear myself out!" Saya said with a pouty expression.

"I guess i did. Good job." He said, looking down at her and crossing his arms.

"Yay! Big brother praised me!" Saya cheered with a smile. Rean lifted his hand for a moment, but then decided to put his hands into his pockets.

"What's next?" He asked.

"We gotta visit the...'Church'" Saya said clearing putting hatred into the word Church.

"What's with the venom?" Elliot asked.

"The church is the enemy of my beloved master!" Saya said with her hands on her hips.

"Master?" Rean asked.

"Mhm!" Saya nodded confirming the word she used.

"Who is your teacher?" Laura asked.

"Sen-pai~ is the one who taught me my current swordsmanship and is one of my closest friends! She's super strong!" Saya said shifting who she was talking about.

"Well if you hate it so much I guess you can skip out. I doubt we'll need you." Rean told Saya.

Saya looked down in shame "I will just stand outside while you receive and turn in the request..."

"If that's what you want to do." Rean said, "Anyone know where the church is?"

"It's in town. I saw it earlier." Saya said forcing herself to perk up.

"Okay. Another long track through the highway it is." Rean nodded. As they were walking back Fie looked at Elliot.

"....Shes acting strange." Fie told Elliot.

"I think everyone noticed." Elliot said.

"She isn't throwing insults,forcing affection,or being a flirt. It's weird." Fie said.

"That's not necessarily a bad thing." Elliot said.

"Hm?" Fie asked.

"What?" Elliot asked.

"You aren't put off by this?" Fie asked.

"Im put off just saying, it's not bad." Elliot said.

The group made it back to town as Saya sat on the fence outside the church and noticed everyone's strange looks "What? Whats everyone looking at me like that?"

"Nothing." Rean told her. He pat her on the back, "We'll be done soon."

"Stop that!" Saya said with a pouty face

"Stop trying to hide everything from me! Its uncomfortable! Is it becuase I'm different? Or is because I'm a kid compared to you guys?"

"It's because your not being a hyper-active little-sister." Rean told her, "Your acting weird."

She didn't say anything as she just glared at him. He smiled back at her. "....Please grab the request."

Rean rubbed her back and smiled.

"We'll be done soon." He assured her, before walking inside.

End of chapter.

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