Chapter 7:Wearing him down

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After a few days of going through ze motions of training and school their combat test finally arrived as Instructor Sara summoned what looked like a doll.

"Alright kiddos! Who's ready for their combat test!?" Sara asked the lined up class.

"Me!" Saya raised her hand as if it was a normal question.

"Good to hear class!" Sara said, as if Saya was answering for the rest of the class, "This right here is..."

Sara began going on a tangent about the sepcificaitons of the doll, which went over most of the students' heads.

"Mmm...As expected of something used by that Shitty professor." Saya said Recognizing the model while the others didn't.

"Huh?" Rean hummed, looking down at her.

"Yep. Definitely scavenged from liberl after that Shitty priest tried to become a god." Saya said nodding looking at the thing.

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

"One of the worst people to ever live." Saya said with a cold expression remembering the facelesses punchable face.

"-Which is why you guy's are going to have to use your Arcus combat link to win!" Sara finished explaining, "Catch that?"

"Yep. Who's the first group?" Saya asked.

"Our first group will be Rean, Gaius, and Elliot." Sara told them.

Rean walked forward with the two as he drew his sword "ready you two?" Rean asked.

"Y-Yeah." Elliot said nervously.

"Elliot make sure to support us!" Gaius said making a combat link with Rean.

"Understood!" Elliot said, taking a distance further back.

Gaius and Rean charged at the thing as we cut to a bit later as pretty much everyone but Fie and Saya were tired.

"This a warmup for you too Fie?" Saya asked as she cracked her knuckles.

"Less then..." Fie said simply.

"Mmm. Maybe I can give you a workout later?~" Saya teased in a flirtatious tone.

Fie gave her a bored, un-intrested look, and then back to the doll.

"Arlight kiddies! I have a announcement to make. You kids are gonna go on field studies next week!" Sara exclaimed.

"Field studies?" Alisa asked.

"Yes you kids will be split into two even groups and go to two separate locations to study the Area and do jobs for a few days." Sara explained.

"So basically we are ripping off the Bracers and being told to your kind's dirty work since it's now technically illegal." Saya said with a sigh.

"What? No. Who do you take me for?" Sara asked.

"A bracer who's only interested in getting payed to waste money on booze." Saya said giving a actual answer.

"Nooo...that's not a waste of money!" Sara said.

"Rean is it a waste of money?" Saya asked as Rean was dragged into it.

"W-why are you bringing me into this!?" Rean asked.

"You are a good tie breaker." Saya told him.

Sara wrapped her arm around Rean's shoulder, "C'mon Rean! You just dont know how much fun a good drink is!"

"Rean! Achololism isn't healthy or beneficial at all!" Saya held reans side.

"Lucky bastard..." Machias quietly said looking at two girls wrapped around him.

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