Chapter 20:assements

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A few days later. Saya was smiling as she walked with Rean to school somehow not surgically attached to his arm like a trophy wife.

"What's got you in a good mood?" Rean asked.

"When am I not in a good mood Big brother!?" Saya asked cheerfully.

"Whenever someone backtalks you." Rean answered honestly.

"Yeah but that's most just Emma and Fie. Emma's a lying Meanie and Fie refuses to give me any ground." Saya told him.

"Emma's not that mean." Rean said.

"Lying manpluative Witch that Emma." Saya said Preffering to the more insulting version of the word. Rean giggled slightly, pulling her close into a one-armed hug.

"Quit it," Rean laughed, "She's a nice girl."

"From your perspective yes. Unlike her I'm willing to be honest about things." Saya told her as Rean sighed. He knew his sister well enough at this point that most of the time he just lacked context and she usually had some basis, He let go of her and cross his arms, raising an eye brow.

"Are you?" Rean asked.

"Within my code of honor. Only reasons why I usually lie is because it benefits my goals and doesn't hurt the people around me or I made a promise or a deal which requires a tight lip. I make absolutely sure to minimize collateral with my actions." Saya told Rean. Rean nodded since that fit well enough.

"I see." Rean nodded, opening the door to the school.

"But to answer your original question...Todays combat Test day!" Saya said with a cheer as Rean remembered their monthly test.

"Oh no..." Rean said, realizing he didin't study last night. He actually slept for once.

"'s a practical exam." Saya said tapping his tachi. "Muscles Rean muscles!"

Rean sweatdropped. He didin't train yesterday either.

"Uh...yeah. I knew that..." Rean said to his little sister. She sighed as he looked at him, "W-what?"

"You haven't been in contact with Elise despite her only being one town over have you?" Saya asked as Rean face looked in shock. Not the fact saya knew about the sister Rean grew up with no that was in line with what he suspected but the fact he forgot to even write let alone visit her.

"" Rean asked.

"Just wondering. I started a relationship with one of her acquaintances so you should probably write to her before she comes hunt you down~" Saya teased as Rean comedically Imagined a girl coming at him with a bow.

"H-huh? Hunt me down? What did i do?" Rean asked, being the dense main character.

"Not talk to her." Saya told him.

"I have plenty of friends i haven't talked to in years though..." Rean said, not getting it.

"Just make sure to write to her tonight." Saya said.

"Ok?" Rean asked.

A Few hours later.

The group was standing Watching as Saya just cut the combat shell in half causing a minor explosion. "Sara....Why did I have to be the one to take my test alone when the others jumped the machine?" She asked wondering considering the rest of them 3-4 v one their round.

"Because you would make it too easy." Sara answered honestly.

"I see I suppose my power would exceed most possible group combinations." Saya noted the severe gap in power between her and her peers.

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