Chapter 22:a mosnter compared to humans.

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"Saya...are you done yet?" Emma asked as Saya went through thirds.

"Nah. I still gotta finish my soda. Besides who's paying for this again?" Saya asked snarkily as she finished her third serving.

"Who knew you could eat so much..." Machias said dumbfounded.

"I use up alot of energy being a workaholic Gawsh Machias, Dont you know how energy works?" Saya asked in her childish mocking voice.

"That's enough food to feed a whole group of soldiers!" Machias exclaimed.

"How do you think I got so buff and smart!?" Saya said finishing a sandwich before going into the soda.

"That much food just makes you fat!" Machias told her, "Not muscular!"

Saya stopped drinking her Soda as she walked over to Machias and grabbed him by the collar "....what did you just call me?"

"I-I didin't call you anything!" Machias said. Jusis shaked his head and sighed.

"You chose very poor words Machias." Jusis told him. "You don't talk to a girl about weight. Thats beyond rude."

"She's the one who thinks stuffing her face gives you muscle!" Machias said defending himself. Saya grabbed his hand and ran it down her middle area. And he was suprised to see she had a lot of Muscle despite her petite frame, "...that dosent change biology."

"I SUPRASS BIOLOGY!" Saya claimed.

"Nuh-uh!" Machias argued.

"...I Actually don't doubt her body works very differently then ours." Alisa said "Considering her ridiculous feats of power,intelligence,and that hair changing form. That's not normal female biology."

"Maybe we're just not trying hard enough! Your implying she's not human Alisa." Machias argued.

"Maybe~ Maybe not~ I am blessed tho~" Saya teased to a scared Machias.

"I hate it here..." Emma sighed, "So are we all done?"

"Emma. You are such a buzzkill like Machias." Saya said "Live a little!"

"I dont do lewd things with my brother in public." Emma told her.

"So you are in love with Rean!" Saya said using her patented conversation controlling techniques.

"N-no im not!" Emma said blushing.

"Well why else would you say something as disgusting as Incest?" Saya asked.

"Why are you clinging to his side and holding his hand in public?!" Emma asked.

"Because we love each other very much!" Saya said catching Emma off guard with her directness.

"Dont admit it when your arguing against me!" Emma said.

"Are you trying to tell me what to do you manpluative little-" Saya said as Emma cut her off in fear knowing the next word Saya was going to say.

"That's rich coming from you of all people!" Emma told Saya.

"Yup." Saya said as Emma held her head in the hands at how she was unable to wrestle control.

"I'm honest therefore I'm free." Saya said as she handed Jusis her card as he walked down to pay for the meal while the others were talking

"Being honest dosent make you non-manupulative!" Emme declared.

"I would rather be a honest manpluatior then a Lying manpluatior who wants to play the high ground aginist someone they manplulated who ignores the fact they lied for months!" Saya shot back.

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