Chapter 8:off to celdic

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The group of 5 Kids boarded the train to their destination.

Fie Elliot and Laura were sitting on one side of the booth while Saya was sitting next to Rean supiscously not holding onto Reans arm like he expected her too.

Rean opened his sleepy eyes, and looked down at Saya.

"Whats the matter sleepyhead?" Saya asked in a teasing voice.

"Nothing..." Rean said in a tired, obviously lying but being polite tone, and closed his eyes again leaning back. Saya just smiled and didn't do anything internally reveling in her small victory this morning. If he was accepting it subconsciously then soon enough it will became a conscious belief. He continued to "sleep" until the train came to a stop, and everyone had stood up to get off of the train.

"Here we are! Celdic!" Saya said raising her hands in the air. "I say we shop till we drop before doing any work!" She said in a clearly joking tone.

"Shouldn't we get our work done first then shop?" Elliot asked.

"Do we still get to shop?" Saya asked with her usual smile.

"I agree with Elliot. The sooner we get done with whatever we're doing the sooner we can relax." Rean said to Saya.

"Okay! As long as we can do a trip to the market I suppose the time will add up all the same won't it?" Saya asked now clearly motivated to work hard to slack off later.

"We should have plenty of time. The task given to us shouldn't be too difficult." Laura said.

"Arlight let's go check into whatever Inn we are staying at!" Saya said running off as usual.

Fie sighed as the group followed Saya too the Inn. As they arrived outside it they saw Saya standing there very confused.

"Fie! Why does this inn have such a naughty word in its name?" Saya asked pointing at the sign saying 'Weathercock inn'

"How am I supposed to know?" She asked Saya.

"Because you're my straight woman!" Saya told her with her usual lack of tonal awareness.

"As long as it has somewhere to sleep, It can be called-" Fie began,

"Perhapse we should just go inside instead of thinking of new names..." Rean said, cutting her off.

"I didn't know you knew what that word meant! My my what naughty books have you been reading Rean?" Saya teased.

"Biology." Rean replied.

"Oooh someone's learned snark." Saya giggled. Rean smiled, because deep down Saya being oddly distant was disturbing...he still didin't like being teased though.

"We're not going to be getting anywhere standing here." Laura said, turning to the door and seeing Fie already walking in. The other three walked in.

"Welcome! You must be Class Vll! I am the innkeeper here! I will show you all to the room you will being staying in!" The innkeeper said as the group followed to see one co-Ed Room to Rean,Elliot,and Laura's surprise.

"What? We're sharing a room?" Laura asked, surprised at the audacity of such a thing.

"Something wrong? This how the military does it? I had to sleep in the same rooms as boys before. Same with Fie." Saya said not at all alarmed at having to share a room with boys.

"Oh no..." Rean mumbled to himself.

"Im sure we can make something work." Elliot siad, "Saya's right after all."

"There seems to be only four beds. Laura! I am sleeping with you tonight!" Saya said dramatically pointing her finger at Laura.

"Why not your friend Fie?" Laura asked.

"Fie is very wary about being in the same bed as me." Saya said as Fie nodded.

"Never again. Sleep with her, your brother, or the nerd. But i will not." Fie said.

"So Yeah. Cuddle with me and let me sleep in your bed Laura!" Saya said holding out her arms.

"Fine I suppose." Laura said. Saya just looked over to Rean to see how he was taking her attention being off him, and saw him giving a sigh of relief at the lack of an opportunity.

The group was given a Envelope with a few tasks "Oh. So this is why I am Towas errand girl." Saya said speed reading the requests without showing
them to the others.

"What does that mean?" Rean asked.

"We are running Errands and doing menial labor!" Saya told Rean.

"Well atleast we know things will be easy." Elliot said. Saya rolled her eyes as she just walked out of the room ready to get to work, "What? What did I say?"

He looked to Rean, who shrugged.

"Never claim things are easy in this type of work Elliot. That's how people die." Fie told Elliot.

"Oh..." Elliot mumbled. Fie followed after Saya as she spoke to her without stopping or turning around.

"Am I being abit too critical of them?" Saya asked honestly.

"No." Fie said coldly, as per usual.

"I see." Saya nodded as the two eventually made it outside as they were halfway down the road before the other three caught up.

"So where too first?" Laura asked.

"Our jobs is to gather some Ingridents for a priest,replace a lightbulb and kill a monster." Saya told Laura stopping in the center of town because the jobs were in opposite directions.

"Well what kind of monster is it?" Rean asked.

"From the looks of it..a dinosaur." Saya told him.

"That sounds like it's going to be a pain." Laura said.

"For you." Fie snarked.

"Exscuse me?" Laura asked her.

"We are going kick that dinosaurs ass!" Saya said Confidently as if something of that scale was just a chore.

"That's the spirit." Rean said, "What does everyone want to do first.

"I wanna kill the dinosaur!" Saya said clearly wanting a good fight.

"Im fine with that." Rean said.

"Let's do it." Fie nodded.

"Im fine with whatever." Elliot said.

"Very well. Let us go then." Laura sighed.

End of chapter.

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