Chapter 14:home sweet home

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"THAT BIRD DESERVED TO BURN BIG BROTHER!" Saya yelled as they were walking back into town from killing the bird. They did the bird first due to the market not being open yet for the job.

"That was a really big bird..." Rean commented.

"You want to see me flip a bird?" Saya asked.

"No." Rean told her.

"Rean you don't know even know what the bird is." Fie told him.

"It dosent matter. Why would I want to see you hurt an animal?" Rean asked.

"I don't know. We did evolve from apes after all." Saya said as she flipped her left bird at him.

"Uh actually, humanity evolved from previous versions of humanoids, which is not classified as apes or chimpan-" Elliot began.

"NERD!" Fie and Saya yelled.

"I'll listen to you Elliot." Rean told his friend.

"My homosexuality is contagious..." Saya whispered in Fies ear.

"Indeed..." Fie said.

"So Rean? Do you and your new boyfriend have anything you wanna buy?" Saya asked.

"He's not my boyfriend, it's called being considerate." Rean told her.

"Con-sid-Der-ate?" Saya asked as if the word was completely foreign to her. "Rean you don't Con people you just ate with!"

"You know what I mean." Rean told her.

"Do you know what I mean?" Saya asked.

"Probably." Rean said.

"You really are the best Big brother!" Saya said giving Rean the run around.

"Sure." Rean nodded.

"Big brother isn't well socialized Fie." Saya sighed "we should take him to a club sometime."

"I'd rather work on my swordsmanship." Rean said.

"Incel." Saya said dropping the hard I as Fie turned around in shock. Not because that word was inappropriate. But because she of all people said it.

"A what?" Rean asked.

" don't wanna know." Fie told him.

"Yeah. You dont want to know." Elliot said, patting his back. Rean looked between the two confused, trying to figure out what she meant. But he shrugged it off.

The group turned the corner to the market.


"I didin't do squat you filthy commoner! I was simply passing through!" The Noble yelled. He got a punch in the face for his troubles as the noble fell to the ground, "That is it you swine! No little twat is going to save you this time!"

"Yes I am!" Saya said as she slammed her shealth into the guys gut again.

"I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO NOT TO DO SHIT HERE!" Saya said with her foot on his stomach.

"Saya! What is thou doing!?" Laura asked as the group approached.

"This guy literally asked for me to step in!" Saya said looking at the noble.

"You dont even know what's going on." Elliot commented.

"Nope. This is within calculations!" Saya nodded as she stepped on the man's stomach.

"Now....i expect you to leave town and return to the capital to do your business." Saya told the noble.

"I didin't even do anything here!" The noble yelled.

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