Chapter 23:the monsters real face

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The next morning Emma and Alisa woke up and saw no sign of Sayas head on the bed.

"Wheres Saya?" Emma asked. Alisa walked over and pulled down the covers. No body or anything. She had just made the bed before leaving it seemed. Beside obvious crevances the bed was neatly enough made

"I dont know, but it seems she got up early enough to make her bed and leave before we noticed." Alisa said.

"Meaning she's probably also holding our job list of the day knowing her." Emma said to Alisa. Alisa nodded that Saya Within the last 4-5 times she had the job form started relatively quickly.

"That's a fair enough assumption." Alissa said, sitting back onto her bed.

"So we waiting for the boys to come in or?" Emma asked as she also back in.

"Well if Saya has our job list, and we dont know where she is, we cant really do anything." Alissa noted.

"You have her Arcus number don't you?" Emma asked. Alisa facepalmed at the basic idea of calling her.

"I could do that." Alissa said, pulling out her phone. She typed in Saya's number, and gave her a call.

The girl picked up after 2 rings. "WHAT? IM IN THE MIDDLE OF SOMETHING!" Saya said in a seemingly panicked voice.

"Yeah and we're waiting on you so we can do our job, where the heck are you?" Alissa asked.

"IM KINDA TRYING TO PREVENT A SUCIDE!" Saya told her bluntly as ever and explaining why she was panicking.

"Oh. You have fun with that." Alissa told her, before hanging up and turning to Emma, "She's busy."

"With What?" Emma asked.

"A suicide." Alissa said.

"Wait what?" Emma asked clearly shocked about the tonal shift.

"Yeah." Alissa nodded.

"She's isn't like pushing the person over the edge?" Emma asked clearly confused why the little murder hobo was not letting someone die.

"No actually, she's trying to prevent it." Alissa said.

"Oh...We might have misread her hard." Emma said suprised that Sayas acting as sucide prevention.

"Yeah im surprised too." Allissa said.

"Its seems despite her attitude she has a suprsingly clear cut knowledge of right from wrong and does follow the law most of the time." Alisa noted.

"Yeah...but why?" Alissa asked.

"I don't know...But I think we misjudged her." Emma noted as she thought to herself. She at least understood why Saya is mad with her most of the time. Honestly from her perspective it's probably hard to watch. Doesn't mean she will change her Behavior.

"Regardless we have to find something to do until she comes back...and go tell the boys." Alissa said.

"Let's just wait on Machias and Jusis. we are in a position where we can cheat some peace." Emma said as she didn't want to hear Machias and Jusis arguing or go out and see one of Sayas murder sprees.

Alissa sighed, "Yeah...yeah we are."

They waited for a bit as Machias came in "Hey. Jusis has been called away by his family about something." He reported.

"Oh. what about?" Alissa asked.

"I don't know...they literally said about what you expect "Lord Jusis. Your father has called you away on urgent buniness." Machias said with the latter half being in a mocking voice.

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