chapter 28:grassland chores

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After breakfast the next morning everyone stretched before getting their usual file.

"Todays gonna be a hassle." Saya complained.

"Indeed." Jusis agreed while understanding her point.

"Come on guys it won't be THAT BAD." Rean told him to try to be positive.

"We might think it's gonna be a hassle since it's not a usual one area thing." Jusis explained.

"Mhm...Fetch quests are gonna be spread out hard." Saya noted.

"We just gotta push through it." Rean said, trying to be positive.

"KK." Saya said as they went to the doctor and got their first job for the day. Fetching some grass for horse medicine. They got to riding through the highlands as they took in the sights. Saya was merely analyzing the terrain and the feel of the horse. Image training was nigh impossible on a horse. So she merely took to memorizing and understanding how to ride the horse. She didn't settle with her designs as she continuously improved them. It was oddly calming as they continued onward. There was the occasional monster sighting but their horses naturally ignored them.

"You good?" Jusis asked as Saya was spacing out while holding him.

"Yep. I have figured out how to ride a horse. Just refining the feeling and design." Saya told him.

"Ah." Jusis said as they Eventually arrived before some flowers and collected them. They took a moment to stretch and breathe from being on a horse for so long. They didn't sit down out of fear of staining their pants.

"Is it always this quiet when working with her?" Gaius asked Rean and Alisa.

"Yup." Alisa said.

"Usually by virtue of tension between others or her." Rean sighed.

"I can hear you!" Saya shouted,annoyed they were talking behind her back.

"Sorry." The two boys over there said as they collected all the healing herbs in the area before returning to the doctors house. They delivered the extra herbs along with what was requested and got paid.

"What's next?" Rean asked.

"Monster murdering!" Saya told him excitedly.

"Do we know where the monster is?" Alisa asked.

"Nope! The general was a pain and didn't put it in the description "we have to haul our way back to Zender gate!" Saya explained.

Everyone except Gaius sighed.

"Very well." Jusis said as they all got back on their horses and rode back to the gate.

They rode for another hour back to the gate. Getting even more drained from constantly having to run back and forth as they arrived they got off and stretched again as they walked into.

"Ok old man. Where's the monster?" Saya asked, annoyed.

"Excuse me?" One eyed zechs responded.

"This entire process is going to clock in at like 3 and half hours for us. We want the information!" Saya told him.

"I don't-" zechs started.

"Please don't test her...if you value this gate." Jusis said not wanting to see an entire military base be burnt down because she couldn't control her temper.

" the north part of the highlands. They supposedly look like fish." Zechs said as they left after picking up a job to deliver a meal. After taking a detour for that delivery they made their way past the settlement they stayed at as they came across eight or so green giant fish floating.

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