CHAPTER 9: Tears and Reunions

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AUTHERS NOTE: PLEASE BE ADVISED,  SWEARING AHEAD. Please enjoy out the next chapter of our heroes in training.

Hagakure held up her gloved hands in surrender, and sat on the end of Fumikage's bed. She told them both the truth; about what and why she did this, so ashamed of what she had done. Louie got up from crouching in front of her, holding her hand, Louie took her to Mr Aizawa. Fumikage walked behind them with Dark Shadow, conversing quietly.

Dark Shadow: "What a mess! Toko, do you think Louie is taking this a bit too well?" He pondered worriedly.

Fumikage: "I agree, this is a somewhat a mess, but there is something more to uncover..." He replied, with the same sympathetic agreement.

They headed to Aizawa's office for a quiet word, answering the door straight away, letting them come in and take a seat. It was nerve racking experience for Hagakure as she explained everything; about her family, being taken by the LOV and having to send them information every few weeks to keep her family safe. She was not the only one it seemed to have been spying for the LOV. Denki Kaminari, as well had to spy for them against the heroes. Or risk his family's safety and be destroyed. At the end of the meeting, the students looked towards their teacher for his conclusion. He got up from the sofa he was sat on, and looked thoughtful. The silence was almost deafening, but his rugged rough voice brought the young heroes to attention.

Mr Aizawa: "We can't change what happened, but we can do is put you, Toru Hagakure and Denki Kaminari are on house arrest for one week. To keep you both safe. You'll do your schoolwork in the dorm building. As for your parents, I'll get patrol to look after them and see what hero is working in each of your families' sectors. For now, go back to the dorm, it appears there is something positive to celebrate tonight. Tokoyami..."

Tokoyami Fumikage, who remained silent thought process was interrupted by his teacher's voice.

Tokoyami: "Yes Sir?" He answered calmly.

Mr Aizawa: "Happy Birthday Tokoyami Fumikage." Mr Aizawa smiled pleasantly, before turning back to his usual self. "Now go problem children. I have work to do."

In the dorm building, the rest of class of 1A, were finishing the final touches of Tokoyami's birthday surprise birthday party. Kirishima held the ladder for Deku as he stepped down from putting up the black and silver crow paper Halloween decorations. Shoji's voice echoed across the main room

Shoji: "They're back! Quick hide!" He said happily, hiding along with his fellow classmates.

Mineta sulked, in the kitchen area, as he was on light switch duty and not allowed to hide with everyone else. If he wasn't so perverse in so many ways, his class mates would trust him more.

Tokoyami was stunned into silence as his fellow class mates shouted "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOKOYAMI!!"

He took it very graciously, curious as to who was the one organised the whole party just for him.

The party was in full swing, dancing, games lots of little nibbles. On the wall; Halloween decorations in black, silver and purple sprinkled their gothic magical wonder about the common room. Everyone was having a great time. Presents exchanged between friends and classmates, and a special gift from Louie. Louie had made a custom cloak for him to wear with a CD of one of his favourite bands. He was over the moon! The best part, the cake. Sato and Louie had collaborated to make; an apple, cinnamon and dark chocolate sponge with whipped cream spirals on top.

Tokoyami POV: 'What happened to the class today? They've been so distant all week, and now they have graced me with a party, I feel I don't deserve. I am truly humbled by everyone.... Louie? Did I hear right? She organised it all with the class to make it extra special for me? I am not worthy of your love, my Queen. But I will give you love back ten-fold for all that you have given me. I am well and truly blessed to call you, My love. My Angel of Darkness. My Queen of Shadows.'

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