Chapter 34 - First Dungon (13)

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Directing Lionel from the back, we slowly began approaching the spot where the webs began getting thicker and the forest started getting darker. As we walked, Lionel easily took care of any spiders that showed up as well as any webs with lazy swings of his sword. Even though it wasn't the true Lionel, I really had to admire the grace and efficiency of the way he moved. Each swing correctly targeted each spider and directly bisected it in half in a manner that allowed the spider to fall without touching him and there was not a single wasted movement.

As we continued walking, a cheerful voice broke the silence.

"Oooh core!" Lina happily squatted down and began slicing away at the body of a spider with a miniature scythe she pulled out of somewhere.

"Lina." I called her name with a dangerous smile, "is now really the time for this?"

"Yes! Money first! I have to grab it now before it gets eaten." without even looking back, she continued digging at the body.

Sighing in annoyance, I walked over and kicked her squatting figure over.

"Do this later. I don't have the time or patience for your shenanigans."

"Just one more second." She complained as she got up and continued digging into the body.

Ignoring her nonsense, I grabbed her by her pack and began trying to drag her along the ground however she was heavier than expected and didn't budge an inch.

"Why are you so damn heavy?" I grumbled.

"Hehe. Preparation is key and I'm fully loaded." She held up a peace sign with a green liquid covered hands and I gagged at the horrendous smell.

"Clean yourself up before you come near me."

Ignoring the stares from the other two, I released her and just continued walking. She would catch up whenever she was ready.

As we got closer to the spider den, I called them to a stop and pointed Julius to the front.

"We're close now so Julius, start clearing the way from here. We'll follow behind you, and once we get close, the rest of us will split up. It's all you from then on. Try to keep the trees intact, especially around the den since I need them."

"On it. Don't stay too close. It's going to get hot."

He took a deep breath and as he exhaled slowly, a wide wall of blue flame flared in front of him, immediately charring everything black. As he walked forward slowly, the flame wall moved with him and began spreading in a fan shape, catching the surrounding brush and ground on fire.

As Lionel began walking closer to Julius, I cleared my throat loudly and pointed my gun at him with a sardonic smile.

"Not too close Lionheart. Circle around and head to the back of the den like I told you."

"I'm just watching his back before I head out."

"No need, I can handle it. Get moving. You have students to rescue."

Lionel stared at me and his eyes flashed black before regaining their bright red color. He narrowed his eyes and took a step toward me as he loosened the sword in his scabbard.

"If I didn't know any better I would say you didn't trust me trash."

"I don't trust anybody including you, Julius, or Lina. We're simply here on a mission and everyone has their part to do. Now, are you going to get going or am I taking practice shots first?"

"I can knock that gun out of your hand before you pull the trigger trash." He smirked fully pulling his sword out now.

"Try me," I warned him.

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