Liam left behind

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Liam's pov

We have just started our take me home tour. Louis and I have been together since the end of x-factor. We are currently on the bus driving to the next location. We are about to stop to get some lunch. We have just pulled into the services. We park up and leave the bus and walk to the building. We order our lunch and sit down at the table. We start to eat our food. After we finished I say "I'm just going to the toilet. I'll be back soon" I notice that the boys are to distracted by their conversations but I shrug and know they won't leave me behind. I walk away from the group and go to the bathroom.

Louis' pov

I notice Liam isn't with us. I ask "Does anyone know where Liam is?" The boys shrug and Harry say "Maybe he has gone back to the bus before the fans realise we are here. We all know he doesn't really like loud crowded places" I nod and we start to walk to the bus. The driver hears the bus door shutting and turns on the engine and starts to drive off. I am very confused "Where's Li?" The boys shrugs and Zayn says "Maybe he has gone to bed. He did look tired." I nod and say "Probably." We talk for a while before I get too worried about Liam. I say "I'm going to check on Li to make sure he is alright." The others nod and I walk into the bunk room. I see Liam's curtains open and no Liam in bed. I instantly run out and grab my phone. Niall asks me "Are you alright?" I say "Li isn't in bed." I log onto my phone and find Liam's contact. I press the call button and I hear his phone going off on the bus. I am instantly panicking. He is alone somewhere without his phone. I say "He is probably still at the services. My poor Li. All alone without his phone. We need to go back for him." Niall says "Stop stressing. I'll get the driver to turn back when we can." I nod and Niall walks out of the main room and to the front of the bus.

Liam's pov

I walk back to the table the boys were at and don't see them. Maybe they are playing a trick on me. I walk around the table area looking for them. I can't see them anywhere. I decide to walk around the rest of the services but I can't see them anywhere. I walk outside and to where the bus is parked. Well it was parked. They have abandoned me. I reach into my pocket to grab my phone but I remember that I left it on the bus on charge. I walk back into the services and I sit down at the table we were at and I burry my head in my hands and sob silently. I can't believe my own boyfriend and friends have abandoned me.

Louis' pov

We have just arrived back to the services. As soon as the bus stops I jump out of the bus and run to the services not bothering to check if the boys are following or not. I rush over to where we were sat and I spot Liam shaking. I rush over to him and put a hand on his shoulder. I see the tears streaming down his face. He looks up at me and he says "Lou. I thought you abandoned me" before he starts sobbing. I say "I'm here babe, I'm here. I would never abandon you ." He launches himself into my arms and he cries. I gently rub his back with one hand and stroke his hair with the other hand. I whisper soothing words to Liam and soon his sobs turns to sniffles before he falls silent. I gently pull him out of my shoulder and see he is asleep. I smile and gently lift him up and carry him back to the bus. I carefully manage to open the door and shut it behind me.

The boys look up and Harry says "You have found him." I nod and say "He thought we abandoned him" the boys nod and Niall says "we thought we might let you find him. He is obviously the closest to you." I nod and sit down with Liam. He curls up on my lap in his sleep. I kiss his forehead. I say "He was so upset when I found him." The boys nod and look at Liam sadly. I hold Liam protectively. We decide to watch a movie whilst Liam sleeps.

A few weeks later no one's pov

Liam was scared to go anywhere alone when they stoped to get something to eat and if he went anywhere he always made sure he had at least one of the boys with him so he wasn't alone

Liam Payne sickflicks part 2 (Requests open)Where stories live. Discover now