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Arms wrap tightly around my neck and I feel tears fall freely into my hair. George is cradling me from behind, clearly worried about my episode. "I'm okay, Georgie. I'm alright," I reach up and stroke his hair in a strained attempt at comfort. He leans into my hand, turning his head so his cheek is cupped in my palm. I feel my face heat up as Remmy gives me a look. It's the  look of a father who wants his daughter's heart safe, but yet there is a shred of something near approval. As George releases me to compose himself, Fred throws himself over the back of the couch nearly tumbling into the coffee table.

"Woah, watch it Fred! You'll hurt yourself." I chide as he smirks up at me. He stands and dusts himself off before pulling me up into an embrace.

"The only thing that matters right now is that you're okay." His breath ruffles my hair. I detangle myself from him and set myself gently on the couch, picking my tea up nursing it between cold palms. He flops impatiently next to me as he looks around at everyone. Remus paces near the fireplace with a confused visage, as Arthur sits in the armchair with hands quietly folded in his lap. Something big is happening, I can feel it. George finally returns and takes place next to me on the couch, resting his arm behind me on the couch. I hear more footsteps and the whole family is here. Everyone stares at me with mixed emotions; I see guilt, anxiety, worry, relief, fear, and strange calm in some expressions. I redirect my gaze to my hands, and suddenly George places his hand on my shoulder in an attempt at the same comfort I gave him earlier. I meet his stare meekly trying not to show how terrified I really am of this situation. He gives me a sympathetic squeeze before pulling me into his side and focusing back forward. Remus finally pauses and looks around at us all.

" I know you're all confused and rather worried, but if I know anything I know that she can handle this," He looks directly at me, "How long have you had the visions?" I raise my eyebrows in surprise. "Since the beginning of the year." I state simply, casting my gaze downward again in an attempt to ignore the overwhelming amount of tension in the room. I hear a few audible gasps and a couple people make stunned sighs. Had I known this would be so surprising I wouldn't have shared, but it is far too late now.

"Esmarda, had them for quite awhile before they became this powerful." His face changes darkly at the sentence. "She said this would happen one day. You've spoken to her haven't you?" He looks at me expectantly and I nod, swallowing nervously. "Okay so she explained shortly what you're experiencing but this is something entirely stronger than her gift. This is something we will have to try to see beginning, so that you are never alone during episodes. We will all work with you to harness the gift. I know that you're feeling terrified and overwhelmed but we, well most of us, knew the gift would catch up to us eventually. Do you ever have a feeling or any type of sign before these things happen, and do you have any control over it?" He once again gives me an expectant look as if I am supposed to know what is going on. I sink further into George's side, seeking comfort in the support knowing this will be frustrating.

"It truly is sporadic, the best I can give you is that something very dire happens or I have a very heavy emotional response to something and I am found unconscious in a vision. The twins have seen it. Well I guess the rest of you have as well. I see somewhat different things every time, sometimes even things that are currently transpiring. I usually wake up terrified and lost. The visions themselves take all my physical and mental energy. I require quite some time to fully recover as you can see," my voice comes out harsh and rushed. I look around at everyone absolutely terrified. Remus is now standing proudly with his hands clasped behind him, almost as if he has accomplished something amazing. I duck my head onto George's shoulder, trying to defer the attention away from myself. He brings his free hand to my head, brushing comfortingly through my hair.

"When you return for the school year the professors will be made aware. Until then we will work to refine the episodes," Remus announces before coming over and pulling me into a swift hug. "I'm so proud of you I hope you know that," he whispers into my hair.

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