Chapter 1:The Big News

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Published: September 15, 2015; Edited: June 28, 2015



Reader's POV
I was walking out of school with my best friend, Mikasa, until one of my other best friends comes up to us, "Hey, Mikasa and (Y/n)! Do you wanna go to the movies with Ymir, Christa, Sasha, and I?" Hanji asks us desperately.

"Sorry, Hanji. I would love to, but my mom wanted me to come home right away after school so she could tell me something important. Maybe next time." I tell Hanji apologetically.

"I'm also sorry, Hanji. As always, my cousin has to pick me up after school." Mikasa says.

"Oh, it's alright, (Y/n). But Mikasa, Shorty can come with us too." Hanji says. She turns and sees the boy with the undercut, "Hey, Shorty! Wanna come to the movies with Ymir, Christa, Sasha, and I? Mikasa would only come if you're with her!" She asks, waving at the raven haired boy. Who seemed to be waiting impatiently outside the school.

"Why would I want to go to the movies with YOU, Shitty Glasses?" He snaps coldly. He really was short if you asked me. He was 5'3. But I'm only a few centimeters shorter than him. His face was always stoic. Like he was pissed off at someone or wanted to kill someone all the time. He always had a straight face. His name was Levi Ackerman. We used to be friends when we were little. But then we just stopped talking to each other for some reason. And I kinda had a little crush on him back then. But now, I just hated him. He was waiting to pick up his cousin, Mikasa, like always.

"Oh come on, Shorty! It's going to be so much fun~!" Hanji replied, she was a year younger than Levi since she's graduating this year.

"Tch." Levi responded. As per usual. "Whatever. You girly brats have your fun while I'll have mine, at home, cleaning. Come on, Mikasa." He says coldly and walks away with Mikasa. Still the same Levi I knew years back. Only he was much more nicer.

"Bye, guys." Mikasa says quietly slightly waving us goodbye. We wave goodbye too.

"Who needs a boy anyway?" Hanji waves off. The bell rings. "Well, see you tomorrow, (Y/n). And don't forget to tell us what the 'big' news is about."Hanji says skipping off waving. 

"Alright." I say waving back. 'I have to get home right away. Don't wanna miss the amazing news mom has.' I remind myself walking out of the school.

{Time Skip to your home}

As I enter my home, I'm greeted by my mother's beaming smile. Along with the smell of her amazing cooking. Seeing her smile and the smell of the food she is cooking brings a little smile onto my face. It makes me happy if she's happy. "Oh, welcome home, (Y/n)!" My mother greets me. 

"Hi, mom." I greet as I walked into the kitchen.

"How was school today?" She asks.

"It was okay." I shrug as I washed my hands and started to help her, "So what's the 'big news'?" I ask. 

"Oh, honey, I was going to tell you during dinner." She says. 

"Ohh. Okay, got it." I say while nodding.

I help my mother set up the table and helped bring the food out. We sat down and began to eat. "So? The 'big news' you wanted to tell me, mom?" I say as I scooped up the mashed potato with my spoon and put in my mouth. 

"Oh, yes. Well, you know it's been 5 years since me and your father have been divorced." 

"Mmhmm..." I hummed with mashed potatoes in my mouth. 

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