Chapter 8:Old Happy Childhood Memories

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Published: July 2, 2015

Edited: September 18, 2017

Levi's POV

I left (Y/n) at the entrance of her school. I think I embarrassed her. "Oh well.."bI say smirking to myself. It was a bit cute when I get her all embarrassed. Especially when it's in front of her friends.

Besides, I just helped her from major embarrassment of walking around with jam shit smeared on her cheek. I wonder if embarrassed Mikasa as well... If I did, then I'll give myself an accomplishment.

As soon as I get home, (M/n) and dad had already left for work. Which leaves me by myself for the rest of the day. I make myself some tea sit on the couch and read a book.

I, for some reason, wondered what (Y/n) was. doing in school.....

Mikasa's POV
Seeing my cousin trying to embarrass (Y/n) was pretty amusing and a little embarrassing to me. I remember the first time I introduced (Y/n) to Levi...

It was WAY before Levi's mother divorced and when (Y/n)'s father did the same. Me and (Y/n) were probably like 5 when I did. Levi was 7. Levi moved to America from France and he came over to my house. That was also my first meeting with Levi.

(Y/n) and I were having a play date at the playground and I begged Levi to come along and he did. I saw (Y/n) on the swing. She looked pretty lonely. "Hi, (Y/n)!" I yelled, waving at (Y/n). 

She looked up and when she saw me, she smiled widely, "Hi, Mikasa!" She yelled back.

I took Levi by the hand and pulled him along with me. This was when Levi was the shy one.





"Mikasa?" Levi asked shyly.

"Yes, Levi?"

"Erm.... Qui est-elle exactement?(Who exactly is she?)"He asked. He also didn't know English but only knew a few. But it was weird that I understood what he said.

"Oh, this is my bestie, (Y/n)." I simply explained to him. He nodded.

"(Y/n), meet my cuz, Levi. He only speaks French but only speaks little English."

"hi... It's very nice to meet you..." (Y/n) said shyly to Levi. With a little shy smile on her face.

"Bonjour."Levi says taking (y/n) by the hand and lightly kissing the back of it. (Y/n) giggles at the action and slightly blushes.

"It is very nice to meet you, (Y/n)." Levi saod with a smile. Me and (Y/n) giggleD. 

"Come on! Let's play!" 


{End of flashback}

They were so cute back then. I mean, even before all the drama between both of their parents, I thought they would make a cute future couple. But now is whole different story.

They hate each other now. And now all Levi uses with his English is for swearing and insulting people. Levi changed after his mother left him. And so did (Y/n) after her father left. Levi turned into an emotionless and stoic bastard.

(Y/n) had been a bit depressed. I don't remember a time she actually smile around us. She'll get a really moody at times. And often day dream during class. Like she is right now. I look across the classroom near the window. I see (Y/n) looking out the window, spacing out. Again.

Reader's POV
I look out the window. I look at the clouds. Those clouds remind me of when dad used to be with us....

"Daddy! Look at that cloud!" I exclaimed, pointing out to a fluffy cloud, "It almost looks like a very puffy elephant. What do you think mommy?"

"Why, you are so right, (Y/n). Look at that one." My mother pointed out to a little cloud. 

"It almost looks like a frog." My father said. 

"Nooo...." I said, "It looks like a baby." I said with bit of sass.

"Alright, little Miss Smart Mouth." My dad said as he chuckled. He tickled me and we rolled in the grass, laughing. 

"Now we know where she gets it from." Mom said with a smirk, looking at dad.

"Oh, I always thought she got it from you." He said in a playful deadpan. She playfully smacked his arm. 



"Can we always do this?"

He was quiet for a moment. He looked at me and smiled, "Of course, sweetheart. Nothing's best as cloud watching with people I love most." He said as he pulled me and mom in a hug. He kissed the top of our heads.

"Promise?" I asked, looking up at him. 

"I promise." He said with a comforting smile. He continued holding us in a hug. And I never wanted that moment to end.

{Flashback Interrupted}

"(Y/n)..... (Y/n). (Y/N)!" Armin gently shakes my shoulder snapping me out of my daydream. 

"Wha.... Uh yeah?" I say looking around mindlessly.

"Class is over." Eren says. 

"O-Oh. Alright." I say getting up and leaving the classroom. Heading to my next class. I'm probably not going to pay attention again. Dad promised me... And what happened now?

{Magically Time Skip to the mess hall.}

"Aren't ya gonna eat?" Hanji asks me. 

"U-Uh yeah.... Why?" I ask, picking at my food. I was literally disobeying Levi's orders. I didn't pay attention to class. I got into a fight with a shitty brat, also known as horse face even if he is my friend or not. I almost got in trouble for my behavior. I didn't study when I had the chance. And now I'm not even eating lunch. Which I have no idea why.

"Aw... Come on, baby (Y/n). Open wide!" Reiner teases while trying to put a spoonful of soup into my mouth. I refuse, turning my head away. "Here comes the airplane!" He says, making baby airplane noises.

Who can ever deny the airplane?! I roll my eyes and open my mouth slightly. "Here comes the landing!" He says, shoving the spoon into my mouth. Krista giggles and so do the others. 

"Man, (Y/n), you are such a picky eater!" Jean says with a smirk.

"I'm not a fucking picky eater, horse face!" I say aggravatingly. Oh crap... I sweared. Once again, didn't follow Levi's orders. 

"Okay okay. Sheesh. Don't need to get all putty mouth with me, young lady!" Jean says in a stern and parently tone.

"Ugh! You don't understand me!" I say in a basic girl voice. 

"Don't use that tone of voice, young lady! I am your father!" 

"Ew. I would never want you as my dad, horse face." 

"Hey..." He says pouting his lips, "That's not very nice." 

"Whatever." I say rolling my eyes.

"So how about another airplane landing, baby (Y/n)?" Krista says wanting to take turns. 

"Alwight. Pwease feed me mowe." I say in a baby voice. Krista giggles and puts a spoonful of soup in my mouth. Everyone laughs and wanting to take turns spoon feeding me.

I'm glad to have great friends like them. What would I do if I lost them...? Just like if I lost them like I lost dad? Oh well. Can't think about now. I being spoon fed by my "aunties" and "uncles"....

Sibling Love {Levi x Reader}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora