Author's Note

11.5K 216 108


*runs then jumps landing on top of the group of my reader-chans*

*gets off and dusts self off while group of wonderful reader-chans are in a big smush*

Sorry if I squished you guys with my fat ass. Just SOOOO happy that we had reached 2.04K! I mean, WAAAAAH!!!! You guys are really the best for actually taking interest of this story!

Anyway, you wonderful adorable *pinches your cheeks* amazingly cute *pinches both of your cheeks* readers, deserve a somewhat embarrassing picture of me. Just so you guys want to know what I look like.

Up there
ALL the way at the top
But if you're reading this on your mobile device, then <--- This way. But if your reading it in scrolling, then it up...

It's a picture of me. And my sister on our first day of school last week. I know I know. I know what you guys are thinking 😉. I'm beautiful 👸🏻. Just kidding😆. I'm ugly as shit... Meh...

Anywhoo, thank you guys so much for this. I can't ask for anything better.

*starts to plant kisses on all of reader-chans*

Sorry.... But thanks! Means a lot!

BTW: I took this photo from my mom cause I couldn't find any other good(ugly) pictures of me. And recent ones.... SORRY FOR SEEING MY UGLINESS!!!!

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