12 lol^

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It's 2 AM.
I look down on my chest, seeing Perrie's eyes closed with her head on my chest.
Should I wake her up? No.
I pick her up and carry her to my bed, carefully laying her below the covers.
I turn off the lamp and make my way over to the couch, seeing her phone. She doesn't have a passcode, luckily.
I go through her contacts and find
"AAA-DaddyBoy"at the very top.
I tap the contact and press the message button.
Me: Hi, it's Jack, Perrie's boyfriend. I just wanted to let you know that Perrie fell asleep at my place watching a movie. I didn't wanna wake her, so she's sleeping in my bed while I sleep on the couch. So, if you're looking for her in the morning, she's straight across the hall.
Ps. Sorry if you were sleeping"
I instantly get a text back:
"Thanks for telling me : )"
Me: Always. Your daughter is the most beautiful, intelligent woman I've ever met, other than my mom.
Jai:Yea....She's somethin', but I agree.
Me: I would love to marry her someday.
Jai: Fantasize about that. Goodnight, Gilinsky : )
Me: Goodnight
Then I fall asleep, not realizing I probably should've deleted the texts, but that's okay.
*Next Morning*
I realize I fell asleep at Jack's. My dad is gonna KILL me. I hurry and get out of bed, putting on my shoes and grabbing my phone. I leave Jack a note on his shirt.
"Be back soon -P"
I run across the hall and open the French doors, leading to a small balcony. It was cold and rainy -my favorite.
I put on VS yoga pants, a ruffled floral tank top, and Uggs.
I brush my teeth, curl the end of my hair, and put it in a messy side part.
I apply mascara and eyeliner, then leave.
When I get to the house, I eat Trix out of the box in the living room by myself, because everyone's asleep.
I hear the door open and look over, seeing Ronnie.
"RONNIE"I say.
"Hey, Perrie! You're in LA!"
"Yea....I am. They brought me back."
"Cool. I assume, you hate Jessica too?"
"I think her own parents hate her."
"She says everyone likes her."
"Well, you know what they say, low prices attract customers."
He laughs hard.
"Is everyone sleeping?"He asks. I nod. "I'm gonna wake Jai up, just because he's dating a slut."
"Do it"I chuckle.
I follow him upstairs and stand in the hallway.
He creeks the door open and looks at me in shock.
"What"I mouth. He motions me to come over. I do and what do I see? Something I never EVER want to see again.
Jessica was laying next to him with her boobs hanging out of the covers.
I shut the door quietly and Ronnie and I run downstairs.
"EW"I laugh.
We both laugh so hard we have to sit on the stools to catch our breath.
"I'm done. I'm leaving. No."
"Why are you leaving?"Luke asks, coming downstairs with Kiana holding his arm.
"Look in Jai's room and see for yourself."I laugh, remembering the disgusting view. Her implants were so uneven.
He goes back up with Kiana and creeks the door open, then closes it and laughs along.
"Don't tell anyone, okay?"Ronnie says to us while laughing.
We wait in the living room, occasionally laughing while we watch Tommy Boy.
"Good morning."Jai says coming in with Jessica behind him.
We silently laugh and I'm put on the spot to say Good morning back.
"Morning"I manage to hold it in.
I lean over to Luke.
"James, Beau, and Daniel NEED to know about this."
"No no. Cause if Jess finds out we know, Jai will kill us all."
"You're right."
Lucy made chicken veggie soup and pita bread sandwiches for lunch.
This was the hardest part of the day.
We couldn't even look at each other's FOOD without laughing our balls off.
"Okay, Perrie, your laugh is f****** cute, but what are you guys laughing about?"Beau asks. Dad agrees.
"Nothing important. Something just scared us."Ronnie says.
I spit my soup out from laughing so hard, then laugh even harder when it's out.
"Thats a lie"Dad says.
"No....Its really not."I laugh.
"What scared you?"
"Something that looked kinda real, but was actually fake."
Everyone who knows laughs.
"Whatever. What was it?"
"Are you gonna eat your sandwich or can I have it?"I change the subject.
"Never mind"He says.
"I need to see a damn therapist."I take a bite and make everyone laugh."By the way, Dad, I slept at Jack's last night."
"I know. He texted me."
"But don't do it again....just in case..."
"Yea, I got that. Can I sleep in your room tonight?"I ask, making everyone who knows chuckle.
"Uh....No. No."
"Why? I am your daughter. I can just sleep on the floor."
He shakes his head.
"I'm just kidding, Dad. Chill out. Thanks for lunch, Luc."
She nods.
2 hours later, I go home and change into my one piece diving suit and put a t-shirt and shorts over it.
I put my hair in a pony tail and leave for training.
We continue learning about the dolphins. We have our test today and if I don't get ALL of them, I can't continue training. We're getting the results mailed to us tomorrow.
After the test, we go down to the gym and do the strict workout we were told to do.
It hurt so bad because our muscles weren't use to working that way.
When we were done, we take a swimming break.
Then, we're finished.
The girls and I go into the locker room and change.
"See you later, Perrie. Good luck!"A girl named Amelia says.
"Good luck to you!"I say. Then, I'm
Alone in the locker room, but I leave shortly.
I get in my car and drive back to the hotel.
When I arrive, I take a shower and change to VS pj shorts and a white ruffled pj top.
I go over to Jack's where him and Jack wait with pizza.
"Hey"I say.
"Hey, beautiful."Jack smiles at me and opens his arms, suggesting I sit on his lap.
I sit and turn my head to kiss his smile.
"Save it."Jack says.
"Sorry"I say.
"I'm going to bed."He says, then gets up and shuts his bedroom door behind him.
"So, what do ya wanna do?"Jack asks.
Oh my God.....His smile is so perfect.
"Amazing your so is smile."I say in amaze. I look around in confusion. "That means 'your smile is so amazing'."I chuckle.
He chuckles-"Thank you. Yours is amazing as well." He grabs his chin between his thumb and pointer and starts to lean in.
"I forgot my phone charger."Jack busts in and realizes he had broken the moment. "Sorry...."
Me and Jack look at each other and chuckle.
"Im pretty tired. Meet me at the boys' house at 9:00 AM. Moment of truth depending on my career."
"K" I get up and be grips my waist, and before I get to the door, he turns me to face him. "I love you"
"I love you too"I peck his chin.
He lifts my chin and kisses me, long and slow.
I pull away, not wanting to escalate.
"Goodnight."I say.
"Night"He smiles and bites his lip.
Ugh I love him so much.

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