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I've recently started making comedy Vines. I have 9,630 followers thanks to Twitter.
I've also been uploading a BUNCH of YouTube videos. I'm having so much fun filming the challenges featuring either Andrea, Jai, and sometimes one or two of the boys.
My recent video was the "Try Not To Laugh Challenge" where we're shown a bunch of comedy Vines that Dad and James picked out.
Whoever laughs first gets Pepsi dumped on their head. I won.
*2 PM @ Boys' house*
I decided to do a video after grocery shopping, dropping the groceries off at the hotel, and going back to the boys' house....In sweatpants, a t-shirt, and black Nike Elites.
I set up the lights and camera in the office room (where Luke edits and sturff). It's a little hot, so I turn on the fan and take off my sweat pants or in a minute they'll turn into SWEAT--PANTS.
I press the record button and go to sit down, but see sunglasses and I just gotta put em on.
I sit in the spinny chair backwards and spin around, facing the camera.
"What's up, sexy people?"I say, throwing the sunglasses.
I reposition and suddenly remember I have no pants on.
"Ope. There are my nudes."I say, crossing my legs. "I don't have pants on....Okay...Anyway, today's video will be me....finding creepy ass people on Omegle. And hopefully I don't see wieners or boobies. Okay here we go."I press 'CHAT' and prepare for chaos.
The first thing I see is an 8 year old.
"I think you're a little bit to young to be on here..."I say.
He looks at me. I squint and make double chin.
He ends the chat. Next thing I see is a wall "oh." I say. Then an old man sits down. "OH."I say louder.
He looks down and starts moving his hand up and down quickly.
"WHAT THE *bleep*"I yell and end the chat. "Okay, that's enough internet for today, children."I mumble.
A guy with tan skin, a blonde fringe, blue eyes, and a bright white smile appears.
"My name is Sean."He smiles.
"My name is Perrie."
"Where you from, Perrie?"
"Los Angeles. Where are you from?"
"Ohio...Can I get your number, beautiful?"
"Um, sorry, I have a boyfriend."
"No, that's cool. He's lucky. I wish you both the best."
"Thank you"I smile.
"Is that him?"He points.
I turn around, seeing Jai pressing his face on the glass.
"That would be my dad..."I say. He ends the chat.
"PUT SOME PANTS ON, F*** A$$" He yells with his lips on the glass.
"Go away!"I yell back. Then I turn around. "Wait! Can we get pizza for dinner?"
"What kind?"He yells.
"Cheese, green peppers, mushrooms, spinach, and-"
"Onion- yea, I know."Then he walks away.
I see him on the phone and turn back to the camera.
I finish the video and edit some of it, then get fed up with editing and go on Twitter.
I go back on YouTube and go to my page.
999,980 subscribers
"DAD"I scream.
"WHAT?"He busts in the door, frightened.
"I need 20 to get 1 million subscribers...."I say in shock. "We have to get there tonight. Help he film a live cover."
"Um, okay."
I grab my camera and my machine that harmonizes your voice and adds effects. That was money. I set it up and sit criss-cross on the couch.
I start the karaoke version of No Air after saying "This ones pretty old. But that's okay, right? Guys, I need 20 subscribers to reach 1,000,000 subscribers!! All of you are so amazing to me and I'm very happy you're in my Polar Squad! Okay, here we go."
I begin to sing. No one pays attention, they all just look at their phones. They're use to it.
After singing that, I sing Battlefield. Then Vienna, Ariana Grande version.
At 12:08, July 13th, 2015, I hit 1,000,000 subscribers.
When I did, I took off my t-shirt, leaving me in a sports bra and black lace underwear.
I run downstairs where everyone is sitting.
"Congrats!"Everyone says.
"I'm going to get donuts. Peace out."I say, slipping my t-shirt on.
"Can I come?"Chelsey asks.
"Um everyone can come."
Her, Kiana, and Lucy.
"You don't have pants on."Jai says.
Kiana, begins to slip her shorts off, then Lucy, and Chelsey.
"We'll go through the drive-thru."
"You guys are crazy."
"Take a picture."I hand Beau my phone. The flash goes off, and he hands it back.
Then we get in my *bragging voice* black 2015 Scion FR-S.
It lights up with blue touch-screen buttons.
I plug in my phone and start playing Hey Mama after folding my left leg up to my chest.
Kiana snapchats while we sing to the songs.
We pull up to the speaker.
"How many donuts would you like?"
"Okay, what kind?"
"We want 2 jelly filled, 4 rainbow sprinkles, 2 pudding filled, 2 chocolate, and 2 glazed. And we also want 3 iced coffees."
"Will that be all?"The lady asks.
"That'll be $18.69."
"Thank you."I say, turning the steering wheel.
We pull up to the window and I hand her my card.
She gives it back and we wait till she brings out a box of donuts. I take them and thank her again.
My phone begins to ring: Luke.
"Yes sir?"I say, looking left and right for cars.
I turn as he says "put me on speaker."
I press speaker and pull my phone away from my face.
"Speak, speaker."
"Okay, most likely, im not supposed to be telling you guys this. But me and the boys have been thinking about it for quite a while, and now that we have enough money, we plan on-"
"Do you guys have your phones?"Kiana turns to Lucy and Chelsey. They shake their heads.
Well, we're almost home.
Thought I would leave a little cliff hanger. Hehe.
Leave a comment on what you think the boys plan to do!

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