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-2 days-
We're waiting at the airport. I'm terribly nervous. My hand are sweaty, I'm pacing back and forth, and I'm shaking.
"Perrie, chill out."Luke says.
"I can't chill out! What if she doesn't like me. What if I don't like her?"
"She will love you! And you'll love her."
"Flight 47 from Miami, Florida to Los Angeles is now landing."
That's her flight. I think of Catfish and almost pass out when I go into deep thought on how this could really be someone who wants to rape me. But that won't happen. I'll stick close to the boys just in case.
Suddenly I'm staring into her bright green eyes. She drops her bags and hold her arms open as she jogs over. We meet in the middle.
"Perrie"She mumbles. I hug tighter.
Finally, we part.
"You must be Dad."She hugs him. "Thank you so much for caring for Perrie.... You're Uncle Beau. You're.... Skiplet... You're JamYamm, and you are Lukas."
The boys look at me.
I smile and nod.
"Let's get out of here. We'll get your bags."Dad smiles.
"Oh you don't have to-"
"No, no. We can get them."
Jai picks one up, Beau rolls one, and Daniel carries one on his back.
"We'll take you to your hotel, let you get settled, then we can go to a cafe or something."
"Ooh! Can we go to Starbucks?"I ask.
(Thumbs up for Starbucks! YAS!")
"I suppose"He shrugs.
We drive to Areya's hotel so she can unpack.
I go in with her while the boys stay in the car.
"So, Perrie, what do you like to do?"She asks, unzipping her suitcase.
"I sing... I dance... I film videos for YouTube..."
"Busy schedule?"
"Not as bad as you think. Dance is optional."
"Do you have a boooyfrieeend?"She smiles.
"Yes I do"I roll my eyes and smile. "His name is Jack. He's on tour now. But he'll be back next month."
"Let me see him!"
I get out my phone and show her a picture.
"Wow. That jaw line could cut you. Be safe around him."
I laugh.
"Are you with anyone?"I ask.
"Yea. His name is Grayson."
"I have a friend named Grayson. Do you have a picture?"
She shows me a picture. He's obviously a little Hispanic and he's very good looking!
"He's cute"I smile.
We finish unpacking them go to Starbucks with the boys.
We talk about random things. Nothing too interesting.
I don't know how I feel about Areya.  I guess I don't really know her that well yet. It's just so surreal. She's the only blood family member I have right now that knows about me. My whole family has split and no one ever talked to my parents.
A really short chapter.
I... Have not been on in like 2 months. I have school, volleyball, cheer, and dance. I'm super busy, so I'm not gonna be on at all probably.

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