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If you ask me a rude question about my writing, I am not going to answer you. You can stop reading the story if you have a problem.
Thank you
-xoxo Blaire
A new recording set! A microphone, headphones, and a harmonizing & sound effects set.
"It was free. I got a deal."Dad says behind me.
"what'd you trade it for?"
"Daniel"... "I'm kidding. Some hoodies. The guy's daughter was a fan."
"I feel bad. That's not a Good deal. I feel like you just used your fame instead of money."
"I did. Do you want it or not?"
"Thank you."I hug him.
"You're welcome."
He goes downstairs and I turn and see his phone.
Of course I'm gonna search through his phone and find this guy's number or email so I can give him at least $50.
I'm going through his texts which was a mistake as soon as I stumbled across "Jessica *heart emoji*"
Then for some reason I click on the messages. Lots of 'Love you's" and some dirty messages.... *gags*
I get off of them quickly, after taking pictures for proof, and search further.
A random number- yes.
Dad: I can make you a deal on your recording set. I saw your daughter was a huge fan. How about some of our hoodies?
Guy: Yea okay, I guess.
Dad: Cool. Thank you so much.
I begin to copy the number in my phone when I hear footsteps.
I try to go faster AND watch the door.
I return the phone to its place just as he opens the door.
I rush over to Luke's room and slam the door. He and Kiana are staring at their phones and look up at me when I slam the door.
"They're back at it. I'm starting to think that little break-up was a rehearsed show. That little bit-"
"Are you talking about Jai and Jessica?" He whispers.
"No. I'm talking about Mike and Ike. Yes, I'm talking about Jai and Jessica."I say with a duh face.
"How do you know?"
"Well...." I show him the screen shots. His mouth drops.
"That little bit-"
"yea, yea. What are we gonna do?"
"Tell him you know."
"Where the hell is the fun in that?"I snicker.
"Perrie, sometimes you have to stop making the best out of situations and just come out with it."
"Is that you or your butthole talking?"
"My butthole doesn't talk."
"That's unfortunate. Besides, it's not like he's gonna listen to me. He never does, he never will."
"Think about it."
"Yea, I will."I take my phone back and bump into Dad when I walk out.
"Hi. What'd you hear?"
"Nothing... Why?"
"No reason. Me and Luke being spies, that's all."
I meet Jack downstairs.
"Ready to paint?"He asks.
*sorry for skipping 2 days. I'm not a good writer. I'd rather this be a movie.*
No wonder people leave extremely rude (to me) comments on my books. Like chill, yo. You wanna talk sh*t? Go to the toilet. 🙅🏽🌚
-2 days later-
Two days later nearly everything was set. We had a lot help painting and moving stuff in.
I got bored from editing and went downstairs with a pencil and paper and started drawing what Dad draws - skulls, naked girls, roses, & crosses. That's basically it.
I thought of something in my head and started sketching. It was a skull with a masquerade mask. There was a lot of detail needed so I tried my best on that... And shading.
While I was drawing, Dad came down dressed in skinny jeans and a hoodie. He grabbed the door knob, not knowing I was there.
"Where you going?"I startled him.
I didn't wanna bring this up- not now! But before I knew it, I said
"We need to talk."
"About what?"
"I know about you and Jessica. And I'm not gonna be mad if you just explain to me why you're with her. Tell me the truth.... Please."I whisper.
"Okay, I'll cancel. Go up to my room."He says and makes a call.
I stop half way up the stairs and listen.
"Hey, Jess, I'm gonna have to reschedule.... Perrie knows. But she's not mad. She wants me to explain..... K, bye."
I run up the stairs and sit on his bed. He sits next to me, silent.
"Me and Jessica did break up. That break up was real. But.... I told her I missed her."
"Oh. Okay, not to be rude, but have you noticed she's a hoe?"
"That's not helping. But yes, I know she's a little on the skank-ier side, but.... I guess, truth is.... I'm lonely. And I can't find someone fast enough. The other boys have girlfriends, I should too."
I put his head in my lap so he's facing up at me and laying down. I play with his hair.
"First of all; A girlfriend is one of the last things you need right now. They would hold you back from living the life you're living now. Like, what if you got them pregnant? What if you break up and you dwell on that break up till you die? That's not cute.
Second of all; There's this thing called fate. I believe in it and when God wants you to have a girlfriend, he'll give you one. You'll find the right girl... And Jessica, I'm sorry, is not her."I chuckle.
"I feel bad breaking up with her again."
"Trust me, she won't care. I'll do it if you want me to. I'll let her down easy. And I'll make us all sound good."
He hands me his phone and I call Jessica.
"Hi, it's Perrie. I'm not calling you to be rude. I'm calling to explain. And I'm very sorry to say that Jai has realized that you're not the one for him. He's ready to move on and wants to call it quits between the both of you. He says he's sorry and he wanted me to tell you because we don't hate you and I didn't make him do this."
She hangs up.
"I guess that's an okay..."I say.
"Thank you." He sits up and hugs me.
"You're welcome. And you're never alone because you have me... and the boys. But mostly me. I'm always here for you.... I don't know about you but I'm going to bed. There's a surprise for you in the living room. It's not finished, but you can tell what it is."I shrug.
"Awesome."He smiles.
I walk down the hall into my room and sit on my bed, checking my phone.
Jack: Call me asap
Jack: Please call me now
Jack: Perrie!! Call me!!!
I call him.
"Hey, why didn't you call?"
"I was downstairs. Why did you want me to call?"
"I love you."
"I love you too.... You wanna come over?"
"K. See you soon."
"K" I hang up and go downstairs walking in on Jai admiring my drawing.
"Like it?"I say behind him.
"I love it. You have a good hand."
"Thank you. Guess who I take after?"
He smiles.
"Do you miss the old days? Before you moved? Before you graduated?"He asked.
"I guess... Why?"
"I do. I've been trying to figure how I can make it stay that way."
"We can do that thing where whenever I leave all the boys say cheek and they kiss me on the cheek. Or we could g-"
"You've changed.... A lot."
"In a good way or a bad way."
"A way that can never get us back to the way things use to be."
"So a bad way."
"Listen, I love you the same.... Maybe it's me who changed."
"Or, we've all changed. You got used to me being gone and I got used to you guys being gone. We'll mend together again. We need to bond more. Which to be honest none of us are doing."
"You're right. Tomorrow, the 6 of us are going for pizza, then we'll walk around on the boardwalk."
"Cool. Can't wait." The door opens. It's Jack. "Go up to my room. I'll be up in a second."
Dad stands up and kisses my cheek. "Goodnight."
I run up to Luke's room and jump onto his bed.
"They broke up."
"What'd you say?"
"That he doesn't need a girlfriend because you, Beau, and Daniel do. And I told him I'm here for him. And God will give him a girl when He wants him to have one."
"What crawled inside of you and took over your mouth?"
"Something I know that no one else does."
"You think you'd be the first one I tell?"
"Yea, sure."
"Think again. I'm not ever telling anyone. Not one person on this planet. You'll find out, though... When it happens, I mean."
"Perrie. You're not...."
"No. I'm not gonna kill myself. Something good that I'm very excited for. It'll scare the crap out of everyone else, though."
"Perrie, tell me. I won't ever tell anyone."
"I will... Just not today."
I close the door behind me and go to James's room.
"Hey"I say.
"Whatchya doin?"
"Making a mashup."
"Bunch of songs..."
"What do you want?"
"Why do I have to want something?"
"Have you met you?"
"Unfortunately, no, but I don't want anything." He looks at me. "Well, kind of. It's a good thing I guess. But dad says he misses the way we use to be... Before I moved. And I'm trying to mend our family back together. We're gonna start being together more."
"That's great! Awesome. I can't wait."
"Cool. Night."
I go into Daniels room.
"Hey"I say.
"Daniel, I can't act like you haven't been there for 4 years of my life. You're the coolest. Thank you."
"I love you, Perrie. And even though you're a Niall girl, I think you're the coolest."
I laugh.
"Thanks. I love you too. Night"
"Goodnight."He smiles.
I walk over to Beau's room.
He's on his computer watching YouTube videos.
"Boo"I say. He jumps a little bit. "I didn't literally mean to scare you."
"I didn't see you come in. I'm watching a documentary on birds."
"Nerd"I mumble.
"I said 'birds?' "
"Yea. It's actually pretty interesting."
"What do you want?"He sets his laptop down and looks at me.
"Nothing."I smile.
"Then why are you in here?"
"Just wanted to.... Say goodnight."
"Thank you for being there for me..... Uncle Beau."He glares at me and laughs. So do I.
"Don't call me that."
"You said you were my uncle. Not me."
"True. But that's over. Come here."
I sit in front of him and he hugs me.
Jai's room.
I knock and in a high pitched voice say "house keeping"
"You're so weird."He opens the door.
I hug him.
"ily."I say.
I laugh quietly as I walk to my room. I fricken love watermelon.
Can u believe I was only 11 (6th grade) when I started writing ABJ1?
That's cool.
Vote plz💙 k byyyyyee

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