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I sit on the couch by myself and watch Family Feud. It's 8:30 PM. The boys land at 9:10 and the airport is like 5 minutes away. I'm going to get them.
I continue watching, yelling out obvious answers and *whispers* threw a piece of chocolate at the wall, felt bad, picked it up, and ate it.
9:00 rolls around and I go put on sweatpants and a Dirty Pig t-shirt with a PINK jacket and uggs.

I shut and lock the door and ride the elevator down to the garage.

Surprisingly, there's not AS MUCH traffic as usual so I got through pretty quick. I parked my car at the airport and got out.
I yawned as I went up the escalator.
I sat in a seat and waited for flight 312.
"Flight 312 is now landing."The lady said.
I slowly stand up and yawn again.
I see some random people come off and finally spot the boys.
They see me in a split second. Jai let's his suitcase go and held open his arms.
I sprint towards him and wrapped my arms and legs around him. He spins me around and smothers me in kisses.
I squeeze the rest of the boys tightly and kiss them on the cheek.

"Oh my God ive missed you so much."Jai says wiping a tear. I squeeze him, not wanting to let go.

"I missed you guys too."I mumble. I let go."Well, lets go."I say.

We get in my truck(black Chevy suburban 2014)and i drive to my apartment.

"So are you still dancing?"Beau asked.


"Are you still using your heavenly, Haben Abraham, magical vocal cords?"


"what why?"

"Apparently stupid reasons....Love Ariana...with a little red heart."I say.

"Is she still talking to you?"Jai asked.

"3 months ago. I told her i stopped and told her why and she said, in a critiquing way, dont give up because of stupid reasons."I say.

"You can do whatever you want. Dont listen to her."

"Thanks, Daddy. But I'm a dancer now. And if you want to say something, don't bother because I'm not changing my mind. Every singer becomes fake and always let's fame change them."I reason.

"Great point. And I am not against that. As long as you use the talent God gave you."Jai says.

We arrive at my apartment.
"Kaycee is with her boyfriend for now. And please! I'm begging you! NO GIRLS IN MY APARTMENT!!!!!! If I see one, I will first kick them out, then I will literally kick your balls till they deflate down to the size of lady bug."I warn them.

"O-ok."Beau says.
"So get out."James says to me.
I smack his phone down to the carpet and growl.
"Taught her everything she knows."Luke says.

"Where am I sleeping?"Jai asks.
"You have to sleep with me....unless you wanna sleep on the floor."I say.
We ordered pizza then went to bed.

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