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I decide to shower at the boys' house because Kiana's shampoo is amazayn.
I start singing, not thinking everyone is asleep since it is 8:40 AM.
The door slams open.
"Be quiet."Jai says, then shuts it. I hear the toilet seat lid open.
"I don't see how you can hate from outside the tub, you can't even get in.....
Hahahaha leggo
Yellow soap bar
Yellow rubber ducky
Yellow shampoo bottle
Yellow watersss
Yuccckkkkyyy"I sing.
"Haha. I just recorded that. You're such a dork."He chuckles and flushes the toilet.
"Now it feels like I'm showering in your urine. Ew."
"Hurry up. I need to get in."
"Wait, Dad don't go."
"....Can you hand me my towel?"
I turn off the water and he reaches it over the top."Thanks"
"Yea"He mumbles and shuts the door behind him.
I step out and get into VS yogas, a light pink crop top that says "Harry Styles is Gr8" in white and white Vans.
I dry most of my hair and put it in 2 side French braids.
I brush my teeth and go downstairs seeing Luke and Daniel chuckling at Jai's phone.
"You put it on Twitter didn't you?"
"I had to."He laughs.
"I look at the clock - 8:58."
I call Jack.
"Hey. I'm almost there."
"K. I'll wait outside the gate. I guess you can meet Jai today since you'll be here. Hopefully before his ratchet girlfriend wakes up."I say.
Jai rolls his eyes to look at the ceiling.
I walk out to the gate and unlatch it and wait by the mail box after taking it out.
When Jack pulls up, he gets out and kisses me with a smile.
"You ready?"He asks.
"I'm so nervous."I say, shaking slightly."You read it."
I hand it to him.
"Perrie L. Madell - Brooks
We're very sorry to say that you have answered one question incorrectly. Unfortunately, you-"
"Okay. You can stop."I take it and crumble it."I can't believe I missed ONE. What will I do?"I put my hand on my forehead.
"Perrie, I've heard your pipes. Just sing."He pulls me in for a tight squeeze. "You won't end up alone or without money ever. K?"
I nod.
"I CANT BELIEVE I MISSED ONE. I WAS SO CLOSE. I would've rather missed them all. I gave it my everything and failed. As usual."
"Don't say that. You've succeeded so many times, the business elves were like 'She should use her talent. Make her miss one.' Don't put blame on yourself....Put if on the elves."
He wraps his arm around me as we walk towards the house.
I open the door and introduce everyone to Jack.
"Jack this is Luke, Daniel, Lucy, Kiana, James, and Ronnie."
"Hey, I'm Jack. Where's your Dad?"
Then, he walks down the stairs with Beau.
"Which one is it?"
"The taller one with wet hair."
"You must be Jack."Dad smiles and shakes his hand. I see Jessica come down and try not to draw attention to her. "This is my girlfriend, Jessica."
I wince and shake my head.
"Wow! You're pretty hot!"Jessica looks Jack up and down.
I slam my forehead into Jack's upper arm. I try to hold myself back from saying 'Jessica, Jack's a allergic to dogs.'
"Jessica, this is my boyfriend, Jack."I say.
"Nice to meet you."
"Yea, you too."Jack smiles.
I walk over and hand Dad the letter.
"What's this?"He asks.
"It was the business elves!"I surrender. He looks at me confused."I missed one on my test. I can't work there anymore. Sorry."
"It's okay. You can do something else."He puts his hand on my lower back.
"Actually, I planned to go to the studio at 12 today. Lets try singing again!"
"Awesome! I'll be there."
"I wanna hear you!"Lucy says. Kiana nods.
"Cool. See you there. Floor 5 studio 6. I was thinking I Have Nothing and something else idk."
"I've never heard it, but okay."
"Jackson, do you wanna go to lunch?"
"Sure but that's not my full name."He smiles.
"I call him Luks Lukas and sometimes call Beau Beausiph."
"So should I call you Perriel (Perrie - el)?"
"No, that's my real name."
He nods and chuckles.
"Nice meeting you guys and ladies."
Then we're out and off to "Earth's Cafe"
After eating, we still have time so we went to a small shop hand in hand.
We turn and see 5 girls come up to us.
"Can we get pictures please?"A girl asks. They were all talking except one.
She was petite with brown hair, a cute puppy face, and ears that stuck out a bit.
Jack and I take pictures with the girls and when the quiet girl is standing in front of me, she looks at me with a small smile. I happen to look down at her arms. I see thin red lines all up her arm. I look at her and hug her tightly.
"Why are you doing this?"I ask in a worried but comforting way.
She breaks into tears.
"Because I'm not good enough. Im not good enough for the boys. Of course they weren't gonna say I'm ugly, but I know they were thinking 'that girl isn't tall and beautiful like a model' or whatever."
"What's your name?"
"Kenya"She wipes her tears.
I get out my phone and FaceTime Dad.
"Yes?"He says.
"I have Kenya here. Kenya is a petite beautiful girl. She believes that you think she is ugly."
"Kenya, you're adorable! You have beautiful eyes and your face is so cute! Don't compare yourself to any other girls. Focus on yourself because you're beautiful and you'll be happier."
She nods with a little smile.
"I love you, Kenya. I would love to spend a whole day with you. You're in the Janoskians family. We all love each other no matter what. K?"
She nods.
"I love you guys.You saved my life."She mumbles.
"We love you too."I smile. "Bye, dad."
He makes a piece sign and I end the facetime.
"I love your name. Im gonna name my child Kenya. It will be in her name. And you're so beautifully cute!"I squeeze her and pick her arm up. "Promise me you'll stop. Cause it may not be easy getting our attention, but once we know you, we know you. Promise me."I stare in her eyes.
"I promise"
"Yay! I love you so much."I squeeze her once more."I want to take a picture with you."I get out my phone and we take a picture. I make sure she's watching as I change my lock screen from me and Keelan and Dad to me and her. "What's your Twitter?"
"I love Ariana."I smile as I follow her.
"Omg. You only follow like 2,000 people and I'm one of them!"She smiles. "There's a favor I need you to do for me."
"What's that?"
"Kick Jessica to the curb and invite me to watch the garbage truck pick her up."
"I'm workin on it. They aren't letting go too easily. It's like chasing clouds. Their relationship is so invisible, it's like nothing's gonna happen....I guess...That didn't really make sense did it?"
"Perfect sense. I get you."
"Cool. It was amazing meeting you. If you don't have 6/5 yet, I'll make that happen very soon."I hug her.
"Thank you!"
"Yea of course! I'll miss you."I smile.
"I'll miss you even more."She begins to walk away.
I blow a kiss and turn to Jack.
"What was that about?"He asks.
"Nothin. But follow her Twitter."I get his phone and type her user in and follow her.
The fam and Jessica have just arrived in the studio while I'm warming up. They pile onto the 2 couches as I enter the mic room.
The guy that presses and moves the buttons starts the music which was the Ariana G version. His name is Donny I think.
I begin to sing, putting a lot of concentration into it.
I sing that, then we make a mashup of City Dove by Tori Kelly, Pretty Hurts by Beyonce, and Who You Are by Jessie J in which I sing.
I mess around a lot and Jai takes a video of me attempting to get Luke off the couch.....That body slam with leave a mark....Finally I just say "Okay....I'll give you 7 Oreos if you let me sit."He slowly gets up and I sit."I don't have any Oreos"I laugh.
Then I sing Anyway by Tori Kelly for fun, changing all the 'Tori's' to 'Perrie's' and Expensive also.
"Do you like my voice, Jessica?"I ask.
"Doesn't suck as bad as I thought it would."
"Gee....thanks. I bet yours is better than mine."
"Your voice is amazing, Per."Chelsey defends me. Lucy and Kiana agree.
"Thanks"I shrug and smile. "I'm glad....most of you....liked it."

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