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"Who is this?"He asks.
"My aunt Areya. She's gonna come see me."
"Perrie, please don't leave me."
"What makes you think I would leave you guys?"
"Why wouldn't you? She's your family. Your real family."
"You're my real fam-"
"Stop. Don't lie to me. I know you're about to burst into tears because you wanna stay with her so bad."
"Are you gonna start packing or what?"
Was he joking? That was so stupid and uncalled for! He didn't need to act like that. He knows I won't leave.
I take my phone and the letter and leave his room as he puts his face in his hands.
"Was he excited?"James asks.
"The opposite. He thinks I wanna live with her."
"What'd you say?"
"I said I didn't want to and he asked me if I was gonna start packing or what."
"He's not ready. Just let it sink in."
I nod.
The rest of the day I think about:
1- What dad's thinking
2- how excited I am to meet my Aunt
3- How much I miss Jack
4- Where's Andrea....
I call her right after.
I call Michael.
I'm surprised he actually answered.
"Yellow"He says
"Michael where's Andrea?"
"Photo shoot, I believe."
"Ask her"
I pause.
"Oh yea, that's a good idea...." I say sarcastically. "THATS WHY IM CALLING YOU"
"Well, ask her agent. I'll send you his number."
"Thank you"I hang up and call the number.
"This is J. West. How may I help you?"
"I'd like to know where your client Andrea is shooting today. I'm her best friend."
"I'm sorry, I can't tell you that."
"Come on, where is she. I'm Perrie Brooks. Tell me."
"I don't care who you are I'm not going to tell you where she is."
"Wow, thank you, sir, thank you for your time."
"You're welcome, I'm glad I could help."
I hang up, angrily.
I grab my keys and head towards the door.
"Where are you going? You didn't even say goodbye? I took care of you for 4 years."Dad says behind me.
"I'm not leaving you! Stop saying it!"I close the door behind me.
"Where are you going?"He yells.
"I don't know yet. I'll text you."
Bye Felicia
I went to the studio and surprised Jai (W) while he was recording.
"Oh my God! You're perfect!"He says.
"I know. I brought coffee and donut holes."
"I meant for the duet. But thank you."
"You can sing the girl part."
"Um... Okay... I don't know the song."
"We'll go over it"
I nod.
We go over the song and I record my part several times cause I kept adding riffs and runs and messing up, then I had to do the background notes and harmonies.
"Thank you so much. This is gonna be awesome."He says.
"You're welcome. Can I leave now?"
"Yea. Sure. Thank you. I'll see you later."He hugs me and I leave.
Dad texted me as I was leaving.
Him: Where are you?
Me: On my way home. I'm gonna film... Something. Maybe a Q&A.
Him: Where'd you go?
Me: To the studio. I helped Jai record a duet.
No reply but he read it.
When I got home, I set up the camera and lights, but waited for people to ask questions.
I watched SpongeBob while waiting and fell asleep on the couch.
Still sleeping....
4:45 PM
"Perrie!"Daniel yells.
I groan.
"Daniel there's a couch over there."I still have my eyes closed.
"It's taken."
"Well, I'm not moving."
"Neither am I" I hear Andrea's voice and open my eyes.
"Dude, where were you?"It looks like she just woke up, cause she had no makeup on, her glasses, yoga shorts, and a t-shirt on.
"Your agent is annoying af. I was like 'where's Andrea?' And he was like 'I can't tell you'."
"I'll change that. I'm staying over tonight."
"Where's Michael?"
"Perrie"Dad says.
"Are you gonna leave or not?"
"Not... But I'm considering it now."I mumble.
"I'm not being serious."
"Oh okay"I say sarcastically. "I found a condo."
"On the beach. You wanna see it?"
He shrugs.
I open my laptop and show him.
"That's gotta be expensive"
"Not really. Less than I thought it would be."
"When are you getting it?"
"When I have more money."
"You have enough now"
"But I need more and now isn't the time to do it."I close it. "Anyway, about Areya, she'll be here in two days."
"She'll be here for a week."
"Why does that matter to you?"
"It's just.. Unexpected."
"Don't worry, she's staying in a hotel... Andrea, let's go get food."
"I don't want to"She groans.
Wait what? She doesn't- WHAT
"Boi! We can go to the Hibachi Grill."Nothing. "Chick-Fil-A" Nope. "Fine... I'll take you to Texas Roadhouse."I sigh.
"Yay"She gets up and she runs upstairs to change.
I swear 10 seconds later she was like "Let's go"
"That was really quick."
"Well, I'm a model and models need to be fast at changing clothes.
I shake my head cause she had also had makeup on.
Teach me your ways!
Did you know the boys moved houses? That's so crazy cause in the story they moved houses and I wrote that before they moved. That's happened a lot, though.
Anyway- I'm half asleep bye:)

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