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Back in the studio again, this time recording one of my own songs- Take It Slow.
The next day it was released and within 5 weeks.....1 Million views.
Taylor and Andrea are flying over here in next month. Andrea is a model now and said she'd be here in mid July for a shoot. Taylor is just coming to see us.
So we're meeting in...2 weeks.
Jack and I are at the house, chillin on the couch, me sitting on his lap, Luke and Kiana are bein all cute, Beau and Chelsey are throwing coco puffs into each others' mouths, James is playing FIFA with Daniel, Lucy is sitting next to Daniel on her phone, and Dad and Jessica are both drunk, occasionally yelling someone's name and laughing when they say "what"..... The usual....
"Wanna go get shoes?"Jack says.
"I'll pay."
"Why do you want to get shoes?"
"I kind of have a foot fetish. A small one....I love your feet."I look at him confused.
....."Yea, I wanna go get shoes."
I get up and stand across Jai at the table.
"Me and Jack are going to get shoes."I look in his eyes to make sure he understood me. "Got it? Don't leave this house. K?"
He nods and holds his arms open.
I fall into them for a second.
"Please make sure they don't leave."I say to Luke. "Well....Jess can whatever but not Dad."
"We'll watch them. Be safe."
"Cool. I'm coming back with a $50 pair of shoes."
I grab my purse and walk through the open door to Jack's truck.
We drove to the mall who closed at 11, so we hurried over to Charlotte Rousse and got black ankle strap Stiletto sandals and lavender wedges with big bows on the side of them.
Then left, got Iced caramel coffee and fries from Macs.
"I love you"I grab his face and kiss his cheek.
"Love you too"
We stop back at the house to make sure everyone's good.
I also give Keelan love.
That's weird....He's usually all over me when I love on him.
"What's wrong with Keelan?"I ask.
"I don't know. He hasn't been eating and when we let him outside, we just lays there."
"You're telling me NOW?! He could be sick. I'm taking him to the vet."I get up and persuade him over to the door.
"Come on, Kee. Wanna go bye-bye?"He pricks his ears a little bit and follows me to Jack's truck.
Jack helps him in the back seat and we hurry to the vet.
"Hello"The girl at the desk says.
"Hi, my dog hasn't been eating, and when I love him, he usually is more energetic and now he's not. My uncle told me he hasn't been doing his business when he goes outside, either."I explain.
"Okay, we'll take him in and report back to you."She coos him over to a room as me and Jack sit in the waiting room.
My leg bounces up and down the whole time. Jack places his hand on my thigh.
We sit there for 30 minutes and finally the lady comes back out.
She has a worried look on her face as she sits across from us.
"I'm very sorry to tell you, but Keelan has cancer in his stomach. We don't know how long he'll live. We'll keep him over night in care and if you can be here by 9 AM tomorrow, we'll discuss options with you."She says softly.
"Options- what options?"
"Whether you would like to put him down or not.....I'll leave you two alone."She leaves the waiting room just as I start sobbing.
Jack pulls me close to his chest.
-Back at the house-
Walking in with no Keelan, and me with red eyes alarmed everyone.
"He's staying over night and tomorrow....I'm probably gonna have to put him down."I say. "But he'll be okay....I know he'll have a better life in heaven."
(Comment if ur crying bc I for sure am)
And of course Dad doesn't know what's going on because he's extremely drunk, so Luke hugs me instead.
"He'll be very happy in Heaven. But before you do, don't go blaming yourself."
"Well, thanks now I AM blaming myself. Lets blame it on Jai and forget you said that."
"Good deal."
"*crescendo* you're such an AASHOLE"I yell at him. He just looks at me smiling with his eyes half closed. "I'll see you guys in the morning."
Everyone still has a sad look on their face as Jack and I leave.
He stayed the night in my room.
-Next Morning-
I dressed in black leggings, a black t-shirt, and black converse. Just cause the color was appealing to me right now. I brushed my teeth and redid my messy bun, then followed Jack to the truck.
The car ride was short and silent.
When we arrive, I ask if I can see him alone before he's put down.
((Omg listen to sad music when reading. You'll cry v hard))
I'm led to a room where he's laying on a big dog bed. she lifts his head when I enter the room. I can tell he's giving all the energy he has to be excited for me. I sit on my knees as a tear falls and run my hand over his ear.
"I love you"I whisper. I lean down and kiss his cheek for a good 5 seconds. "This is for the best and I'll never forget you." I hug and kiss him one last time.
I meet the lady outside the door and go back to sign the papers.
After signing them, they go into Keelan's room and that when I start sobbing very hard. When we get in the car, I'm bawling my eyes out the whole time.
I try to calm down before entering the house, but it's impossible.
I enter the house trying to be quiet. Everyone's already awake sitting in the living room silently.
"Perrie"Dad looks at me worried. "You have to tell me what's going on. They said it was best if you told me."
"Keelan's dead."I say quickly.
"See, you would've known if you weren't drunk as hell last night. I put him down an hour ago."
"I'm sorry! I didn't know the dog was gonna be put down the next morning."
"That's not the point. You're so irresponsible. You wonder why you had no clue what was going on. If you weren't so childish you would've been the first to know."
He's silent.
"I'm so sorry. I don't even know how I started drinking."
"You wanna know how you got drunk? Tonight and all the nights before last?"
"Tell me"
"Jessica. We all know why you're only getting drunk around her."I say...."Whatever. You do what you want. Pretend I don't even care about you."
"I never meant to hurt you. And I never will. I'll stop."
"Forget I said anything."
"No."Dad says. "I'm done playing around. I need to get my life straight.....Jessica....I don't think it's working out for us. I'm gonna have to ask you to leave."
"Whatever. I have another boyfriend anyway."She says. I laugh.
"Get the f*** out of my house."He pushes her and slams the door in her face.
He turns to me expecting me to praise him.
"I will tomorrow. Keelan is really the only thing on my mind right now."
I grab Jack's hand and follow him out the door and to his truck.
When we get back to the hotel, I ask to be alone and go back to my room. I sit on the balcony and try to get my mind off Keelan.
The rest of the day, Jack and I cuddle in my bed and watch comedies.
I cried. okay bye

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