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The pain has gone down nearly all the way.
I get out of bed and run to my room where I grab bath salt and lavender soap along with VS leggings, a peplum tank top, and white Vans. Jack said he would take me to Panda Express for lunch because of the pain I had yesterday.
I let the warm water flood the bathtub.
I squirt soap in the water and let it bubble up.
I begin to undress and sit in the hot water and lavender scented bubbles.
"Good morning."Jack kisses my head and walks over to the sink where he   brushes his teeth.
"Can you give me mine?"I ask. He grabs my toothbrush, rinses it, and puts tooth paste on it, and rinses it again and hands it to me.
When I'm done, he takes it back and washes it off and brings a chair over by the tub.
"Perrie, I don't want us to end.... Ever. Promise me we're gonna try our very hardest to make long distance work. I don't wanna be with anyone else.... Besides Beyoncé. I'd be with Beyoncé. But in reality, you're the only person I want to be with for the rest of my life." Wtf is he gonna propose?
"Are you gonna propose cause, if so, can you wait till I'm not naked?"I laugh.
"No, im not going to propose."He laughs. "I'm telling you I'm in this. I'm willing to do anything to make it work..... So are you in?"
I raise and eyebrow.
"Obviously."I smile. He puts his hand on the right side of my face and pulls me in for a kiss. "Now let me relax." I close my eyes and lean back.
"I'm gonna take a shower." He says.
I nod and continue to relax.
Before I know it, he's standing in front of me with a towel.
"Come on. Your dad wants us to come over. I'm assuming he wants to talk about us..."
"Can we get Panda Express first?"
"Yea, if you hurry up and get ready."
"Okay, get me a towel."
He hands me a white towel and wraps it around me.
I kiss him and he leaves the bathroom while I get dressed. I decide that I wanna be lazy, so I go back to my room and trade my tank top for a t-shirt and my laced Vans to unlaced Vans.
I put my hair in a loose messy bun and apply makeup.
I meet Jack outside my door and he kisses me and grabs my hand.
I get a text after I buckled my seat belt.
Dad: Don't know if Jack told you, but I want to talk to you both about last night.
Me: Should I be scared?
Dad: It's up to you.
Me: K.... Want anything from Panda Express?
Dad: No thanks.
"Dad!"I yell.
"Yea"He comes down the stairs and motions us to the back of the house by the pool.
"Don't be scared."I whisper to Jack. He nods and grabs my hand.
We sit at the table.
He sits there.
"Hello? Are you gonna give us a lecture or what?"I say. He looks at me.
"If you want me to..."He says.
"I didn't say that."
"K.... I want to start by asking why you guys are breaking up and why you both decided to do what you did if you knew you were gonna break up."
"We're not breaking up. And if we had gone with the plan, we had sex because that would've been the last time we'd ever spend together. That meant a lot to us."I say. "Is that all you wanted?"
"No.... Perrie have you taken a pregnancy test?"
"Um..... No...I haven't."
"You should probably do that."
He gets up and we follow him to the kitchen where he grabs a box.
"3 of them. Take them all."
I take the box and go into the bathroom, nervously. Then I open the door.
"What if.... I am."I say.
"Who knows"
I close the door and start shaking.
*after tests*
I wait for them to show results, one by one.
I walk out after throwing them away and washing my hands.
They look at me with worry.
"No"I whisper.
"No as in a good no or a bad no."
"Good no? I don't know I'm, negative."
Dad lets out a sigh of relief.
"Good. I do NOT need another Perrie."He jokes. "Well, since you guys are here, you can help pack up. Boxes in the living room. Just bring your stuff back when you can and we'll start getting stuff in tonight."His phone starts to ring and he steps outside and closes the door all the way, then looks behind him. I don't pay mind to it.
Jack grabs some boxes and I grab some and put them in the car.
While we're packing, Kaycee calls.
"Hey" I say, stepping into the living room.
"I sold the apartment."She says.
"Good! Awesome."
"Yea, I'll uh, give you half."
"Thanks. Are you staying in New York?"
"Yea, I'm gonna move in with Marcus. I hope I get to see you soon."
"Yea. I'll be down there sometime."
"Cool. Gotta go. Love you."
"Love you too."I hang up.
"Who was that?"Jack asks.
We continue boxing everything, then I make him go shopping with me for my new room.
We go to Hobby Lobby and get mirrored vases, (Vases with mirror instead of color) fake black roses, mirrored lamps with black shades, black throw pillows, and wall art including a large framed pencil-drawn face, and these mirrored eyes that were 3D. They were like female eyes that you hang on your wall. They were so legit. We also had to get candles, obviously. Angels Wings, Midnight Oasis, and Midsummer Night. What? They were 3 for $10.
And trust me, we also went to Bath & Body. And finally, got black sheets, a black comforter, and black pillow cases.
"What about the headboard?"Jack asks.
"Dad already ordered one."
"Is it black?"
"You're creepy..... In a hot way."
"Black is a calming color."
"Yea, I guess."
"We should get paint while we're out... And paint your walls black."
We pick paint up and get a text from Dad.
Dad: Want this? It's on sale.
It's a chandelier.
Me: Yus
How much did you spend.
"Almost $500 dollars."
"A girl's best friend is money... Well, mine is."I joke.
I give him the address and when he sees the house he says
"This is yours?"
"The boys'. I'm getting my own place soon."
"Then why spend so much money on this stuff?"
"I'll use most of it. And I'm always gonna come here and stay a while."
"What.... The hell."Dad stares at all my stuff."Is there one white thing in there?"He asks
"Um.... This candle. Its white..."
"You're so creepy. I have a surprise for you in your room."
"I don't like surprises."
"Too bad. Go."
I walk upstairs and open my door, immediately widening my eyes and mouth.
I like cliff hangers. I don't even know what the surprise is. Tells you how much I have my thoughts put together, right? Hahahaha

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