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The first place they performed it was OTRA Indy and that's where I live :) I didn't go though cause my mom said she would get me Jahoo Jahaa tickets if I sold my 1D tickets but.... THAT never happened.... So now I have nothing except a cat and a jar of Oreos...
This evening I went to that dude's house to give him money for the recording machine.
Oh sh....oot he lives an hour away. Whatever.
*1 hour later* ((If u read that like they say it in SpongeBob, you're awesome(; ))
I finally find this dude's house and go up to the front door and knock.
What I'm guessing is him, opens the door and offers me to come in.
"Sure" I smile.
"Why are you here?"He asks.
"The recording machine."
"Is something wrong with it?"
"No. I have to give you money for it. It's bothering me. It probably cost like $200 and me dad gave you hoodies. I don't have $200.. Or $100 with me. I have.... $80."I hand it to him.
"You don't have to."
"I do."
I look over at a teenage girl starring at me. She runs and hugs me. I hug back tighter.
"What's your name?"I ask.
"you wanna picture? Cause I do."
She nods and I take a picture on my phone.
"I'll put it on Twitter. What's your Twitter?"
"Harmonizer are we?"
"Me too.... I'm so happy I met you! You're very beautiful I love your eyes."
"Thank you. You're beautiful."
"Thank you."I hug her.
"But really, you don't have to pay me. We really needed to give it away."
I walk towards the door and drop a $50 on the floor.
"Oops. I dropped something."I open the door and smile, then leave.
While I'm driving back, Dad calls me.
"What are you doing?"
"Listening to Best Song Ever. Wby?"
"Where are you?"
"I'm on my way home, I got lunch and went shopping."
"Ok... Wouldn't bother you to tell anyone."
"You all were asleep because you're lazy!" ((Guilty🙋🏽))
"Yea yea, I've heard it. I know."
"K, byye..."I say after silence.
I hang up.
When I got home, everyone (the boys) were sitting in the living room.
"Listen, kid. We have good news. Ronnie got a call from Capitol Records and they said they watched your covers on YouTube and... They wanna sign you to their record label. Want to? Well, we already said yes. You have a meeting with them tomorrow."
I was speechless.... Then I looked over at Luke recording on his camera.
"Oh you're joking. You guys are jerks."I chuckle.
"Why would we be joking? That wouldn't be funny. We're not joking. Ask Ronnie. Ronnie, did you record the call?"
"Yea"He searches through the phone and plays it after I sit down.
I started shedding tears whenever I realized it was true. I covered my mouth and nose.
Without warning, I make a very high pitched noise.
"What the hell was that?"Daniel gives me a confused look.
The recording ended.
I excuse myself to the bathroom to wipe up and re-apply my makeup.
I step out and call Jack.
"Hey"He says.
"I got signed to a record label!"I squeal.
"Omg totes amaze! lol. I'm proud, Perrie!"
"Thank you."
"I'm shooting, so I'll catch ya later. Love you."
"Love you too, bye!"
"Well... Let's go celebrate."
"I have to change." I say.
I run upstairs and slip on faded high waisted shorts, a t-shirt crop top that said "Indiana Hoosiers", and maroon converse.
I put my hair in French braids on both side of my head on the way there in the car.
When we show up a few fans see us and run up to us.
"Perrie, will you follow my Twitter?"
"Yea, type it in."I give her my phone and take pictures with the other girls.
She follows herself and gives my phone back.
"Thank you"She smiles.
"Perrie! Let's go!"Beau yells.
"You're welcome. It was great meeting you guys! Love you!"
"We love you, Perrie!"
I smile and run over to the boys.
We go into a little tent with beachy accessories like shark tooth necklaces and pearl earrings.
"Hey, Per, do you like this?"Dad holds up a shell choker.
"My treat."He says.
"Thank you."I put it on the counter.
He puts 12 dollars in front of the woman and takes the necklace.
He motions me to turn around and puts it around my neck.
I hug his waist as we walk out.
I bought him a shark tooth bracelet he said he liked in return.
We got smoothies. Dad got mango, obviously, and I got strawberry banana. Basic, but good. We also rode a Ferris wheel and I got really good pictures with Luke's camera.
Around 9, we got pizza, then went home cause we were worn out!
But, I packed a bag... Slowly.. and went to Jack's before he leaves for tour.
"Bye"I mumble, grabbing the door knob.
"Call me when you get there and when you wake up, please."
"Awe, Daddy's being protective to his baby girl!" Beau jokes.
I am so tired, that goes through one ear and out the other.
My eyes start closing just standing there.
"I forgot my...." Then before I know it, I'm walking over to the couch that only had Jai and Beau on it and I lay down.
"I am going to fall asleep in 5 seconds. Call and tell Jack he can come over and tell him to take me up to my room when he gets here cause I'm not getting up."
I call Jack.
"Hello?"He says.
"Perrie is passed out. She said that you can come over. She also said you have to take her up to her room when you get here."
He laughs "okay"
I hang up and slide from under her and take a shower.
I decide to wait till Jack gets here. He soon shows up and goes into the living room where Perrie was. He picks her up and she tightens her legs around his waist.
"Need help?"I whisper.
"No, I'm okay."He shrugs. Then they disappear into Perrie's room.
I been working on the chapter for like 5 million trillion years.

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