25. I am Sorry

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It was almost 4 in the morning when my phone ringed , I was totally exhausted by now . Having 4 cups of coffee was also of no effect now, I already ate the headache tablet but there is no tablet to avoid sleep. My phone was constantly ringing, I stopped my fingers from typing further, leaning to get my hands over my phone. I closed my eyes , taking a deep breath , took the call adjusting my chair to lay on my back. It was no one other than my shameless BF.

"Hi Athu.." I really hates this nickname it sounds like sneeze, eww.

"What now?"

"You are still sleeping?"

"I think decent people sleeps at this time ." I tried sounding sleepy. It came a bit naturally as I really was sleepy. 

"And I am not that but you are. Ha..haha"

"Anything else to say? Let me sleep"

"Missing you"

"Didn't we met the previous day, stop acting cringe"

"Can, I video call you. Please, I want to see your glowing face"

"N-No, I am sleeping"

"So what?"

"I-I am , ... not in that kind of clothes" I placed my hand on my face over my lame excuse, she could think anything.

"What kind? "

"Stop! you dirty minded, shameless girl" I knew she would think something like this.

"Someone was talking about decency "

"Ahahah.. stop teasing me" I whined 

"Anyways, I heard something about today's incident. Is it true?"

"Depends on what you heard"

"How can someone be so rude, that to royal princess. I wonder what went into my mind that I made you my friend"

"I am sending the number of a good doctor" 

"For what?" 

"For tightening your screws, you said something went in your brain" I likes irritating her with my replies and rudeness, it gives different kind of fun.

"That was a joke"

"I thought it was slang"

"Don't change the topic. Did Siddharth acted cheaply again"

"Leave it."


I hung up the call knowing the conversation was going the wrong way and I would blabber out something only to repent it later. I tends to lose my mind and the control over my tongue when I am sleepy, me reading the same report for the 4th time to understand is a perfect example of it.

Most of the staff left by this time and as I heard the sound of keys , I knew Robin was also ready to go. Looking over the report again, scratching my head to get it inside , my fingers reached to the main button and in no moment  the laptop was shutting down .

I stood up , taking my coat from chair to my hands, carrying it over my back. Walking out making my each step loud enough , hiding my gun in my pocket and grabbing the keys placed on the table. I was thinking answers for the questions that can come up to me , my eyes were still not ready to meet Nihal as they were tired enough to glare anymore at anyone.  

"Is your headache okay now?"

"Did I mentioned that to you?"

"No, you ordered 4 cups of coffee. Well, how your life going on?" I didn't turned back, still busy locking the door.

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