bubble of mines

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rigby's pov

after i finish my last chore for the day, i go upstairs to my room expecting to find my roommate, but he isn't in here. where the hell does he have to go at 7pm on a monday??

he couldn't be downstairs or outside, i was just there. i swear he's avoiding me. i sigh, closing the door and walking over to my trampoline to sit down.

i wish he could just get over this.

he won't stop asking me if i'm okay and what's wrong, but i don't know what to tell him?? he says i'm "acting different" and thinks i'm hiding something from him, but i literally don't know what else to tell him.

i don't really open up to anyone except for mordecai, so i try to be 100% truthful with atleast him. i only keep a few things from him and they aren't anything major anyway.

not at all... nope..

all besides the fact i've grown a huge crush on him.

although that's nothing new, we've been bestfriends since like seventh grade, but around highschool is when i realized i wanted to be more just "best-bros". but like it's okay i guess, i've gotten used to it..

atleast i thought i have.

i guess i kinda have been thinking about him more recently, but mordecai's been acting suspicious lately.

like sometimes he'll start to distance himself after we have a good time, or i'll look up and catch him eyeing me weirdly. i don't know what it is but it's giving me anxiety.

he just acts like i'm doing something wrong, it makes me nervous. i'm also scared i may have shown my feelings without realizing, what if i weirded him out at some point??

ugh. i just hope he doesn't know...

he can't.

mordecai's pov

"bye margaret!!" i yell while exiting the coffee shop. pulling out my phone i realize the time, grimacing at my screen reading 7:17pm.

i didn't mean to stay there so late, i was sitting on that barstool for almost three hours straight.

i had a good time with margaret tho, we had some really deep conversations, although none were about anything actually important.

honestly i just needed to get my mind off rigby.

he's been driving me insane all week. for the past two weeks ATLEAST, he's been acting different. i don't even know how to describe it either, just different.

the way he's been reacting and responding to things has been different, like as if i'm a different person. he's been more quiet too. not necessarily in a bad way, but he's just been weird, like it doesn't feel like i'm talking to him.

noticing the park houses porch steps infront of me, i realize i zoned out the whole walk home. i walk up the steps and take a deep breath before walking through the door and up the staircase.

i'm dreading going in our room with every step i take, it's just gonna be confusingly awkward again.

once i get to our bedroom door, i take a good three deep breaths before walking in.

here we go again.

i open the door to find rigby on his trampette thing. he kinda flinched at the noise of the door and i saw him suddenly tense up.

after i closed the door behind me and turned back around, he still seemed tense. and maybe even.. nervous??

why is he acting like he's scared of me?

i see his eyes darting up at me then to the ground, over and over and over.

utterly confused, i give him a 'hello? wtf???' face before looking side to side and walking to my bed. i know he saw me.

i'm not looking but i can just feel his eyes on me, practically burning a hole through the side of my head.

"hey dude" i hesitantly say, still not looking over towards him, rather down at my feet as i slip off my shoes and kick them under my bed.

after a few seconds of silence i say "dude" at the same volume.


i finally turn around to face him while sternly saying "rigby" and he snaps out of a trance, his eyes originally staring at my stomach.

he blinks a few times and shakes a head a little, seemingly coming back to reality. "huh?- sorry- what?" i slightly chuckle, "i was just saying hi" i look him up and down, observing his body language that still looks tense after he says "oh.. haha" the laugh seeming forced.

ughhhHHHHH. i'm fucking sick of this.

why is he acting like i have a bubble of mines around me, and if he gets too close or loud near me, he'll pop it.

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